Pickled Elf Ears

After a Hobgoblin's first kill of an Elf, he or she will have to take part in a ritual with several other Hobgoblins who have had their first Elf kill. This ritual ends with each of the Hobgoblins eating their own pickled Elf ears. Tasty!  


The ritual begins with the Hobgoblins sitting in front of each of their kills. Then, they are encouraged to cut the Elves' ears off with as much rage as possible, because Elves suck. Once the ears are removed, the Hobgoblins take their ears to another room, where they are instructed to pickle the ears with sugar. This takes a week of flipping the container every day. Once the ears are fully pickled, each of the Hobgoblins eat the ears of their first kill.  


While this ritual is used for Hobgoblins' first kills, Pickled Elf Ears are also used as regular old treats in Hobgoblin towns. You can buy them at any market in Hobgoblin territory, as many of them will keep the ears of Elves they find or kill, and pickle them for a treat. Hobgoblins also will be seen collecting Elf ears at executions, before the bodies are disposed of. Speaking of executions, pickled Elf ears are sold at them instead of popcorn. This adds to the entertainment of watching some criminals die!  


Because Hobgoblins are not supposed to eat picked Elf ears until they've had their first Elf kill, many (especially those who live in the Kameen Mountains, where there aren't many Elves) go on pilgrimages to find and kill Elves. They usually will trek into the Crescent Forest and wait for travelers on the side of the road, ambushing and killing them so they can enjoy their interesting snacks.


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