Wellholt Settlement in Vedunia | World Anvil
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A large village made up primarily of the outcasts from Unyeth to the North, Wellholt is a relatively prosperous village. Especially for one located within the swamps of the Cintral Anglonian Wetlands.


Wellholt is primarily made up of half elves. Outcasts from Unyeth looking to start anew.


Wellholt is run by a mayor who is elected by the people of Wellholt every two years. The Mayor lives in the Central tower within Wellholt.


Palisades surround all of Wellholt, the able bodied among its citizenry take turns manning the palisades and keeping watch within the town at night. A large central tower is used as a look out point to watch for any incoming ships. The Haine river and a tributary leading into it also act as natural barriers.

Industry & Trade

Wellholt supplies the majority of iron tools to nearby villages. They also specialize in tanning and charcoal burning. Leather and charcoal are common exports to Unyeth which they trade for more specialized goods.


As the Half elf population in Unyeth grew more and more disdain grew for the half breeds and they became seen as second class citizens. In order to get out from under the thumb of the high elves of Unyeth many of the half elves left and formed Wellholt.


Built at a fork where a tributary feeds into the Haine Wellholt always has access to fresh water.
Inhabitant Demonym


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