Good Sister's Orchard Building / Landmark in Vedunia | World Anvil
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Good Sister's Orchard

An orchard with two large statues, one representing The Mother and the other Tialla. Here the barriers between the Material Plane of Vedunia and the Feywild are nonexistent. It is said if one is not careful they can walk in from Vedunia and walk out within the Feywild. This is a location of pilgrimage for man holy worshipers and druids alike. Any who serve the Mother or Tialla find this location a holy site.

Purpose / Function

This is a holy site where worshipers of the Mother or Tialla come to become closer to their god.


Druids, Clerics and Paladins are the most common passerby to this location however any acolytes are known to attempt to make pilgrimage here.
Parent Location


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