Cain Nickelkin Character in Vedunia | World Anvil
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Cain Nickelkin

Cain Nickelkin

A powerful Tiefling sorcerer in the Nickelkin family. Cain grew up with a drunk father and a dead mother. He can commonly be found fixing problems for the Nickelkin family, which can mean many things. He blows up Landry stills, kills men and burns homesteads.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cain was born as a tiefling to the Nickelkin family. He was accepted but never got close to the rest of the family. Eventually Cain discovered an innate magical ability which was immediately taken advantage of by his father and the family. He is a powerful enforcer in the Nickelkin family and does a lot of the families dirty work along with his father.

Mental Trauma

Cain was never fully accepted or ostracized from his family. His father has always been distant from him, never truly forgiving Cain for killing his wife.
Circumstances of Birth
Cain's mother died in childbirth. Before Cain was born. Anthony, Cain's father, cut him out of his mother successfully saving his life.
Solid Red, no pupils
Short blood red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light red
175 lbs


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