The Mantle of Memories Item in Vasara | World Anvil

The Mantle of Memories

Written by World Smithy


The Mantle of Memories is always different in shape, configuration, and plumage depending on who was chosen to be Death by The Raven Queen. The current incarnation of Death, often refered to as The Plumebearer after the events of The Lightfall Cataclysm, is responsible for collecting two memories from every mortal soul. This is made possible through the Mantle of Memories; a typically large, ornate, and feathered mantle worn about the shoulders. It often covers nearly 3/4 of the body in black raven feathers. Despite the constants found in every instance of the Mantle of Memories, every Chosen by The Matron of Ravens leaves their own mark on the item, changing it in some way every time the Office at the End of Everything is passed down.
Every feather is able to hold a single memory, and when they are in use, have different colorations. Those containing a fond or relatively good memory are a dull, opalescent dark gray. Feathers hosting a particularly unpleasant or outright bad memory have a sort of iridescent sheen to them, changing the coloration of the once-black feathers depending on the light. When the entire mantle is occupied by memories, the acting Plumebearer will return to the Fortress of Memories to store and catalog them with the aid of Bheniin, The Final Scribe.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

While The Plumebearer is wearing the Mantle of Memories, they are able to simply touch the temples of a mortal soul using the tips of both index fingers to extract a memory. If the memory is a particularly strong one, the whole hand may have to be used instead. Once the memory is extracted, it is formed as a small blue orb that emits a dim light. These orbs only need to touch a single feather to be absorbed, imbuing the Mantle with its essence.


The Mantle of Memories was commissioned to be made by Jodmölin, The Soul Forger, by The Raven Queen. Despite being out of his typical purview, he constructed the item to her specifications, nebulous though they were. It was soon after put into use after The Matron of Ravens selected her first champion, with the blessings of Bheniin, the original god of the dead and death. Since then, there have been innumerable Plumebearers to have worn the Mantle of Memories in service to The Matron of Ravens. The names of Her chosen are never given, and she selects them personally just before the end of the current Plumebearer's tenure.


Since the inception of The Mantle of Memories, all manner of mortals now view the mantle as a symbol of authority and just power. Judges, wardens, executioners, and gravekeepers are often found wearing black mantles on their shoulders, with more prestigious positions allowing for plumage to be worn. Those that wear such a garb typically do so as an homage to the impartial nature of Death that is paralleled by similar qualities of their occupations.
The Mantle at the End of Everything, by Aromon Holaralei
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
60 After Lightfall
Current Holder
Unobtainable by normal circumstances.
Base Price


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Feb 10, 2024 04:49 by Ephraïm Boateng

That's a really cool item! Both cool and a bit creepy tbh

Feb 10, 2024 05:30 by J. J.

Ayy, that means I nailed what I was going for. Glad you like it!

May the Fadelight illuminate your travels.