
World Smithy

J. J. | Member Since 13 Dec, 2023
32 Followers 8251 Page views 228 Likes

Heyo, I'm out here tryna vibe and make a world from the floor up. Stay if you like, or not, the choice is yours as the roads we walk weave ever onwards. I'm just a guy that likes to write for fun ♥   Big shoutouts to the youtube channels PointyHat and WritFinch. Their two, original worldbuilding videos sparked this whole project that I've found myself making, as I found the ideas that they presented to be extremely compelling at the time.

Interests & Hobbies

So, when I'm not terminally online at work, college, and my free time here, I'm a big fan of drafting, map making, blacksmithing and wood working! I've been meaning to get a proper forge and shop going for quite some time, so I should hopefully have that soon.

Favorite Movies

The John Wick franchise is ingrained in my mind, I can probably go line-for-line on the first one. The first three Pirates of the Caribbean are honestly some of my favorites of all time, easily.

Favorite Books

Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark T. Sullivan, all of the Mistborn novels by Brandon Sanderson, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, and I'm sure I'm blanking on many other names, but the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett all rank fairly high. I can never remember names, always have been awful with them; I never forget a story, though.

Favorite Games

This really depends on the day, honestly. Historically, I'm a strategy game enjoyer, with hundreds of hours in both Civilization V and Stellaris alone. Other notable mentions include, but are certainly not limited to: Cyberpunk 2077, Baldur's Gate 3 (D&D overall, really), Risk of Rain 2, the old Assassin's Creed games (we're talking 1-3, honorable mention of Black Flag), and Helldivers 2 when the devs aren't fighting the playerbase. Oh, and, obligatory Minecraft and Terraria mentions are obligatory.