Gods of the Modern Era Organization in Vasara | World Anvil

Gods of the Modern Era

Written by World Smithy

I have watched divinity rain from heavens that we once regarded as holy. I have witnessed divinity crawl from the lowest, vile reaches of the world. And I have watched a mortal ascend beyond the Aether Seal, taking the ravens with her. I was among the first to bear witness to that Schism, I was there when Lightfall blighted our lands, and I am all that remains of my people. Throw out your preconceived notions of godhood, students, for what you know has been drafted by man. I know the gods.
Venefic Sigilis

The Prime Architects - Where Are They?

Jodmölin, god of creation, constructed a divine realm known as the Aether Seal sometime in the latter half of the 1st century After Lightfall (henceforth refered to as AL) after the conclusion of the events of the Schism and the cataclysm known as The Lightfall. This division was erected after the remaining members of the Prime Architects determined that their involvement in the conflict, against their own children, was too devastating. To ensure a conflict of a similar caliber never occurred again, the Architects retreated behind the Aether Seal, swearing off tampering with the material plane. In their stead they left fragments of themselves that manifested as Aspects, divine beings that embody particular traits of their parent deity.

Behind the Seal

Below is a list detailing which of the Prime Architects maintained their status and succeeded in retreating behind the Seal, along with the ascendant mortal that was allowed into their fold behind the Aether Seal.  

Jodmölin, The Soul Forger

Pronunciation: /ˈjɒd.mə.lɪn/
Simplified: YOD-muh-lin
Domains: Forge, Order, Life
Jodmölin is the god of creation, craftmanship, and protection, but is often credited with additional portfolios such as order, artistry, and the forge. He is often refered to as the Soul Forger, as he is one of a few deities blessed with the knowledge of how to craft a new, untainted soul. While worshipped across the lands, he has a significant base of followers in The Luminforge Syndicate, a nation-state that near-worships industry. His holy symbol is an upright hammer, though is often paired with other iconography of specific trades.  

Solaurius, The Fadelight

Pronunciation: /ˈsɒl.ɔː.ri.ʌs/
Simplified: SOL-aw-ree-us
Domains: Life, Light, Twilight
Solaurius is the god of the sun, birth, and youth. After The Veil dampened the skies to block out his radiance, he took on additional portfolios in (all) light, commerce, and travel. Many of his followers refer to gold coins, a standard of currency in Vasara, as 'Sols' in reference to the sun's own golden hues. His holy symbol is somewhat variable—as he has an expansive portfolio—but all of them feature a radiant sun of some description.  

Lyrastra, Mother of Magic

Pronunciation: / laɪˈræs.trə/
Simplified: lye-RAS-tra
Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Trickery
Lyrastra is the goddess of magic, spellcraft, and secrets. While she boasts only a few portfolios, they are among the most potent domains to hold dominion over. Her followers range from researchers and scholars to arcanists and dungeon delvers; as such, she enjoys plenty of worship. Particularly, the nation-state of The Wissan Dominion holds her in the highest regards. Her holy symbol is an open, blue eye.

Belletrax, Lord of Scales

Pronunciation: /ˈbɛl.ə.træks/
Simplified: BEL-uh-traks
Domains: War, Tempest
Belletrax is the god of war, the sky, and dragons. Due to his heavy association with both red and blue dragons (though god of all draconic entities), he also holds portfolios of fire and storms. Much of his prayer base is located within the central desert of the continent, namely Jaddregos, though there are sects in other populated Bastions. His holy symbol is a hand clenched around a lightning bolt.  

Idrastè, The Moonmaiden

Pronunciation: /iˈdrɑː.steɪ/
Simplified: ee-DRAH-stay
Domains: Light, Grave, Twilight
Idrastè is the goddess of the moons, stars, and navigation, though is revered by non-evil lycanthropes and, as such, holds a portfolio on them. Her followers often include the ranks of Solaurius devotees, and vice-versa, as it is through His reflected divine light that the Sister Moons are able to illuminate the world in His absence. She enjoys widespread worship across the continent, and her followers often refer to silver coins as 'Luns' in reference to her domain. Her holy symbol is a dark disc eclipsing a smaller, lighter disc in a diagonal pattern.  

Rosvonè, Matron of Ravens

Pronunciation: /roʊzˈvoʊ.neɪ/
Simplified: rohz-VOH-nay
Domains: Death, Grave, Knowledge
Rosvonè is the goddess of the dead, death, and memories. She has held these portfolios since the time of her ascention in 60 AL, but has, as of the last thousand years, gained domains such as fate and silence. She is often simply called "The Raven Queen" or the "Matron of Ravens" in reference to her favored pet that she took along with her during her ascension. Her holy symbols include a raven's head in profile, along with a single, angled wing of black feathers.

Servitude and Trenches


Pronunciation: /ˈbɛn.iːn/
Simplified: BEN-een
Bheniin was the original god of the dead, death, and records. While he still retains a modicum of power, most of it was relinquished to Rosvonè upon her ascention. Because of this, Bheniin offered himself to her in servitude as a scribe and records keeper. He now holds the portfolios of scribes, archives, and forgotton lore. He resides behind the Aether Seal and is, for all intents and purposes, still technically a member of the Prime Architects, but has diminished greatly in following. His holy symbol was an open tome resting on its spine during his tenure.


Pronunciation: /mɑːˈreɪ.ɑː.nɑː/
Simplified: mah-RAY-ah-nah
Domains: Nature, Peace
Marëanna is the goddess of peace, water, and nature. She is the only member of the original Prime Architects to have never made it behind the Aether Seal. What remains of her body and essence rests at the deepest point of the Calèdare Sea. Many believe her to be dead after the events of the Schism, but she still retains loyal worshippers along the coastal regions of the continent and the few that continue to practice the old ways of druidism. Her holy symbol is a single, tear-shaped water droplet.


Shards, pieces of the divine, were left in the material realm in place of the gods that retreated behind the Aether Seal. These pieces, known as Aspects, embody certain domains and portfolios of the god in which they originated. They reside within a location known as the Spark, or simply Spark, which floats aimlessly through the Astrea (a vast void containing all galaxies, planets, and life—space). In total, there are twelve Aspects; two for every deity behind the Seal. However, there are two Aspects that function outside of normal conventions, namely the Plumebearer and Bheniin, original god of death. The other ten Aspects permanently, physically reside within Spark, while the two aforementioned Aspects have some level of mobility between Spark, the Aether Seal, and the world. Aspects are stricly forbidden from leaving Spark in a physical sense. They are, however, allowed to project their spiritual essence to those worshiping planetside. They are known to grant boons, blessings, or hold champions and favorites.

Members of the Spark

Below is a list detailing the twelve Aspects that exist within the Material Plane.  

Aspect of Body

Exonym(s): Other, Guard, Soldier
Domain(s): Order, Forge
The Aspect of Body was granted control over the portfolios of order, forge, and protection. It is often depicted as a genderless, stalwart figure clad in plate armor with a closed, visored helm. While it began its tenure with no known name, many have taken to refering to it as ‘Other’. Its follower base typically includes guards, soldiers, and laborers. Its holy symbol is a closed left-handed, silvered guantlet in an upright position. This Aspect was originally an Aspect of Belletrax—Soldier—though he was given to Jodmölin to prevent another slaughter and hopefully temper his wrath.  

Aspect of Soul

Exonym(s): Self, Canvas, Intro
Domain(s): Trickery
The Aspect of Soul was given control over the portfolios of creation, craftsmanship, and artistry. He is depicted as a jolly male dwarf with a large, braided beard held down with an iron weight at the end. As with all Aspects, he had no name until the people gave him one—Self—in relation to what he represents. He enjoys worship from craftsmen, artisans, and engineers. His holy symbol is a triangular protractor resting on its odd point.  

Aspect of Dawn

Exonym(s): Radiance, Lumin, Morning Shepherd
Domain(s): Light, Life
The Aspect of Dawn was granted the portfolios of birth, dawn, and commerce. She is usually shown as a young, auburn haired woman cloaked in bright, white light. She is often refered to as ‘Radiance’ by her worshipers and has many monikers given to her by outsiders. Her followers typically include the ranks of doctors, parents, and merchants, though she enjoys a broad spectrum of worship across the continent. Her holy symbol is a rising sun with a road leading into it.  

Aspect of Dusk

Exonym(s): Onyx, Stoic, Night Herald
Domain(s): Twilight
The Aspect of Dusk holds dominion over the portfolios of endings, dusk, and travel. He is described to be an aged, dark skinned man with long, gray hair robed in black garments. The first name given to him was ‘Onyx’ and is his prefered identity, though people refer to him with many names. His worship base usually includes travelers, inn keepers, and elderly folk; worshippers following the Aspects of Desolis and Fate often number among his ranks as well. His holy symbol is a dark and crooked walking cane.  

Aspect of Esoterica

Exonym(s): Lapis, Weave, Occula
Domain(s): Arcana
The Aspect of Esoterica has the portfolios of magic, secrets, and the Tapestry—a sort of fabric upon which all arcane arts are derived from. Lapis, a name derived from the deep blue coloration emitted by raw magic, is oft depicted as an elvish woman wearing an elegant blue dress. Her followers include any that partake in arcane acts, such as mystics, wizards, artificers, and other such magical practitioners. Her holy symbol is a runic circle with six, evenly dispersed smaller circles along the diameter of the main one.  

Aspect of Spellcraft

Exonym(s): Dhusim, Runeigan, Old Hat
Domain(s): Knowledge
The Aspect of Spellcraft oversees the portfolios of information, manifestation, and spells. He is usually shown as an old, haggard man wearing a scarf of interlocking scrolls and dark gray robes. He is one of the few Aspects to provide his followers with a prefered moniker—Dhusim—though he holds many names across the continent. His worship base often includes wizards, rune smiths, and researchers. His holy symbol is an open scroll filled with runic equations.

Aspect of Skies

Exonym(s): Avi, Zephyr
Domain(s): Tempest
The Aspect of Skies holds the portfolios of freedom, flight, and weather. It is depicted as a large, multi-colored, scaled falcon wreathed in lightning. Avi, a name affectionately given to it by its followers, has no true name. Those that worship the Aspect of Skies include dragons, sentient flying races, and the oppressed. Its holy symbol is a talon wrapped with a lightning bolt.  

Aspect of Battle

Exonym(s): Iros, Commander
Domain(s): War
The Aspect of Battle controls the portfolios of combat, tactics, and warfare. His only known form is that of a heavily armored, multi-scale color Dragonborn weilding a large, two handed claymore. He is one of the few Aspects to provide his followers a name—Iros—along with the profered title of Lord of Battle. Members of the Aspect of Battle's church often include soldiers, officers, and politicians or people of power. His holy symbol is an upright claymore wreathed in a spiral of fire.  

Aspect of Miccaro

Exonym(s): Miccaro, Little Sister, Maiden in White
Domain(s): Nature, Life
The Aspect of Miccaro has sway over the portfolios of navigation, stars, and purity. She is always painted as a youthful human woman with platinum white hair wearing an ornate, silver-trimmed dress to match. She is known by the moon that she represents—Miccaro—but is often simply called the 'Little Sister' by her followers. Her devotees typically include the ranks travelers and sailors, healers, those seeking redemption, and astronomers. New-age Druids also make up a large portion of her worship base. Her holy symbol is a white disc contained within a silver border.  

Aspect of Desolis

Exonym(s): Desolis, Big Sister, Maiden in Gray
Domain(s): Twilight, Peace
The Aspect of Desolis holds the portfolios of tranquility, dreams and nightmares, and guidance. She is always shown as an aged human woman with gray-streaked hair wearing a simple, gray robe. Similarly to her little sister, she is known by the moon that she embodies, Desolis. Her followers often include diplomats, mystics, and the spiritually or physically lost. Her holy symbol is a gray disc contained within a steel border.  

Aspect of Fate

Exonym(s): Plumebearer, Fablewing, Iudex
Domain(s): Death, Grave
The Aspect of Fate holds the portfolios of death & endings, memories, and just judgement, though also holds joint domain over records with the Aspect of Lore. While the physical aspects of the Plumebearer change fairly often, a few things remain consistent; it is always shown wearing a large mantle of black feathers, dark leathers, and a black raven's mask hiding red eyes. Its followers tend to include folk such as judges, wardens, executioners, and gravekeepers, though is typically revered by most people. Its holy symbol is a quill made from a raven's feather.  

Aspect of Lore

Exonym(s): Bheniin, Keeper, The Exarch
Domain(s): Knowledge, Grave
The Aspect of Lore keeps the portfolios of records, scribing, and forgotten knowledge. He is normally depicted as a haggard, old and bald human man wearing dark brown monk's robes. He is the only Aspect to have held a name before their creation, and insists that his devout refer to him as Bheniin. His followers are usually record keepers, scribes, and librarians. His holy symbol is a tightly rolled scroll shut in the jaws of a humanoid skull.

Remnants of the Astral Host

Darling, I'm neither Architect nor Hostling and as such have no limitations on where I may roam, regardless of how much Jodmölin protests. My children have eyes all over the realms, flying home scraps of memories to my doorstep; yes, I see them sometimes too. Sceiron enjoys sulking in the darkness like his mother is still there to comfort him; its adorable, really.
At the conclusion of the Schism two members of the Astral Host were thought to be slain and removed from the Material Plane, with the remaining three scattering into the Astrea. Below is a list detailing the ‘living’ members of the Astral Host.  

Sceiron, Lord of Shadows

Pronunciation: /ˈsaɪ.rɒn/
Simplified: SYE-ron
Domains: Trickery, Death

Harrox, The Black Hand

Pronunciation: /ˈhɑːr.rɒks/
Simplified: HAHR-rox
Domains: Order, War

Thaldrin, Undying Herald of Ancients

Pronunciation: /ˈθæl.drɪn/
Simplified: THAL-drin
Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Grave


Author's Notes

Howdy folks! This article is still under construction, but I wanted to go ahead and get the base information out there for those that have any interest in it. Mostly, this information was for my players in an upcoming TTRPG game I plan to run sometime in the near future, but it is quite useful information for the project at large. Anyway, that's enough rambling from me, till the next one,   May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!

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