Dreambarrel Reserve Item in Vasara | World Anvil

Dreambarrel Reserve

Written by World Smithy

An Ad Read

Have you or a loved one ever been late to a meeting, class, or event due to over sleeping? Are you frustrated at having to always go to bed early to catch those much needed Z's, even when you aren't tired? If so, then you're in luck! Introducing Dreambarrel Reserve; this product is made from 100% pure Rye Whiskey that has been distilled by only the finest grains found in the farm rings. This whiskey, unlike many others one may find in a luxury vendor's emporium, is low enough ABV to be consumed without the worry of tomorrow's headache. To help your weary head hit the pillow in no-time, Dreambarrel Reserve uses natural aids such as Chamomile, Hops, and Passionflower. Don't care for the herbaceous flavors presented here? Try the new honey flavored Dreambarrel Reserve; kids* love it!
*Do not allow humanoid children under the age of 16 to consume, inhale, or otherwise ingest Dreambarrel Reserve. Shorter-lived races' age of consumption may vary, see bottle for details.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Between the fairly weak alcohol content of the drink that has been marketed as a "sleep-aide" and the various herbs that have long been thought to aid in sleep, a few swigs of this drink will put someone out fairly easily if they're tired.


Because of the limited space that has been allocated for agriculture, grains that were once used for the production of alcohol have instead been used as food. Consumption of alcohol took a sharp dive during The Empyrean Schism, and for sometime after its conclusion it was almost non-existant. When the Elysian Bastions were established and agriculture could once again take place on Vasara, the sole priority of farmers was providing food to the survivors. As such, for a few hundred years, alcohol simply was not produced on a large scale by those that lived in the Orbits.
This changed with the advent of indoor Greenhouses, allowing grains such as barley and rye to be grown once again for the purpose of distilling alcohol - either beer or spirits. Due to the newfound challenges of production on a more limited scale, alcohol has returned to Vasara as more of a luxury item instead of a mainstay staple that it had once been. Spirits especially, such as Dreambarrel, are heavily taxed by the various governments of the emergent nations that make the Bastions their capitals. 
An ornate decanter containing the sleep aid known as Dreambarrel Reserve, a sort of weak rye whiskey.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Creation Date
1963 After Lightfall
4 lbs
2 1/2 in. Hex Base
8 1/2 in. Height
Base Price
Standard: 100 gold pieces
Honey Flavor: 110 gold pieces
ABV: 8%


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