The Radiant Cocoon Character in Varzzen | World Anvil

The Radiant Cocoon

The Radiant Cocoon is the leader of the Order Pantheon, a force of law, order, birth, life, and light. It represents the transformed state of the Radiant One, the creator deity who is said to have woven the Luminous Tapestry. Now, the Radiant Cocoon lies dormant within the center of its creation, gifting life to the spheres through its light. The Cocoon symbolizes sacrifice and protection, anchoring the cosmos and shielding it from the forces of chaos.


The Radiant Cocoon looks after every living creature, so they live and die as its law demands. It is an enemy of chaos and condemns necromancy and the manipulation of the mortal soul harshly. Many of its followers are righteous paladins and clerics who strike down evil and the undead to secure the balance of life and death.


Despite its relevance in the Order Pantheon, the Radiant Cocoon has few direct followers who worship it. Such devotees hardly receive any acknowledgment from the slumbering god but still find significance in the Cocoon's symbolism. The worship of the Radiant Cocoon has become almost interchangeable with the Order Pantheon's worship, and the Cocoon remains at the center of this worship as a powerful and mysterious symbol that holds significant meaning for its followers.



The Radiant Cocoon is depicted primarily as a luminous, silk-like cocoon, emitting a soft but intense light. Artistic representations show it floating in an endless void, with strands of radiant light connecting it to the worlds and realms it protects.

Followers nowadays refrain from creating renditions of the Radiant One's true form, seeing the act of depicting the deity as a blasphemous fantasy. However, such depictions can still be found in ancient religious text or prints of the Fundamental Tomes, showing the Radiant One as a insectoid figure with six radiant, butterfly-like wings.



The primary symbol associated with the Radiant Cocoon is the luminous cocoon itself, enveloped in radiant light. Physical depictions of the Radiant Cocoon are often made from platinum, wrapped in silk, and dotted with amber to give them a shining glow. Priests of the Order Pantheon wrap themselves in white silken robes woven in a hexagonal pattern. These robes reflect the cosmic order established by the Radiant One.



  • Strive to uphold the harmony and order of the cosmos, combatting chaos wherever it arises.
  • Guard the integrity of the Luminous Tapestry so that the chaotic forces beyond do not unravel the fabric of creation.
  • Ready the world for the return of the Radiant One, ensuring that when the moment comes, the cosmos is a place worthy of its creator.


According to myth, the universe was once a realm of unending chaos until the Radiant One emerged to forge order from the void. The Radiant One created the celestial spheres, including Alvandis, and birthed deities to oversee this new order. However, a cataclysmic entity known as the Great Wurm threatened to consume all creation. In a final act of sacrifice, the Radiant One battled the Wurm, creating a web of light that banished it to the void. It bound itself within the Radiant Cocoon, anchoring its creation in the Luminous Tapestry to sustain the cosmos's balance. The Radiant One now rests, regaining its strength to be birthed anew. In its absence, the deities of the Order Pantheon oversee the universe, with the Cocoon serving as a constant reminder of the Radiant One's sacrifice.


Holy Days


The Weaving: Celebrated on the winter solstice, the Weaving commemorates the Radiant One's self-transformation into the Radiant Cocoon, symbolizing the ultimate act of sacrifice for the cosmos's protection. This day, marking the longest night, embodies hope, renewal, and the anticipation of light's triumph over darkness. On this sacred day, followers weave tapestries or smaller items. Each woven piece is infused with prayers and wishes, often left on altars or in sacred spaces as an offering to the Radiant Cocoon. As the longest night gives way to the dawn, followers burn their woven offerings in a bonfire that symbolizes the Radiant Cocoon's eternal light. Through the act of burning the cloth, the faithful believe that their hopes carry on into the luminous embrace of the Cocoon, ensuring their desires are intertwined with the divine plan for the coming year.

Deity Information
The Radiant One, the Sun, the Dormant Titan   Divine Classification
Order Deity   Province
Creation, Light, Order   Divine Realm
The Luminous Tapestry   Religion/Church/Cult
Order Pantheon   Sex and/or Gender
Genderless   Depiction
A shimmering silk cocoon, radiating soft, ethereal light.   Religious Iconography
Platinum effigies of a cocoon wrapped in silk and dotted with amber.  
  Divine Domains
Life, Light, Order, Peace   Holy Days
The Weaving   Artifacts


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