The Theocratic State of Sylmaneth Organization in Varen | World Anvil
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The Theocratic State of Sylmaneth

The procession ended around noon, and we - the Sisters of Shards, the ambassador for Khordepi and myself - descended from the titanic spire for a spot of lunch. On that cold winter's day, we sipped on mugs of tomato soup, took bites on breaded chicken soaked in a creamy sauce, and took occasional shots of cherry-laced liquor as the sunlight fought to breach dark grey clouds. Soon after dessert, snow began to fall over Szyla Nora, and music rang out from the streets below. After the last bite of a delectable raspberry cheesecake, the Sisters unceremoniously stood, and walked out from the tower.

With nary a word, we followed, and walked among the men and women of the city - rich and poor, local and foreign alike. As we strolled on, shopkeepers greeted us with smiles, not bows or kneeling, and the streets stayed as busy as ever. That night, as I lay down my head in a modest inn on the Ivory Cross - vodka in my blood and the laughter of the peasantry below - I felt something I had all but forgotten in my years in Blackstead City.

I felt peace.

— Prince Edgar Ainsworth IV, The Memoirs of a Third-Born Son

Demography and Population

The current population of Sylmaneth is recorded at 144.5 million. Sylvar make up 89.6% of the total population, with 5.9% Olthamites , 3.7% Dorozi, 0.5% Khords and 0.3% Arenians. Sylmaneth has an average birth rate of 1.32 and a crude death rate of 10.2.


Most of the Sylvar population can be found in the southern most part of Sylmaneth, where the climate is milder. The size of the country does make it the second most sparsely populated region in Varen.


The Sisterhood of Shards rules over the northern country of Sylmaneth and the isle of sostrya. These are the ancestral lands of the Sylvar, and the Sisterhood of Shards by proxy.

Technological Level

The technological level of Sylmaneth depends on who you ask. Khords and Sylvar will both say that Sylmaneth technology is on par with Olthamites. Olthamites would protest this, and argue that magic and technology are two, completely separate things. The Dorozi would simply shrug their arms and ask... who cares.

The simpler truth of the matter is that Sylvar enjoy a number of modern luxuries. Running water, heating, even cars and elevators. But instead of heavy machinery and clockwork, Sylvar use magic. Taps are replaced with small crystals activated by touch to dispense water of preferred temperature (This has led the invention of the modern showers, which are extremely popular in Sylmaneth for their time and space efficiency). Instead of long chains to pull elevators, a cage is placed between two thin sheets of crystal, enchanted to slowly push and pull individuals to their designated location. Where Olthamites have heavy engines, the Sylvar use amethyst cubes, enchanted for the same purpose. What does one do with the empty space you ask? Extra storage, they say.

Foreign Relations

Sylmaneth shares a rather harmonious with majority other countries on Varen. Lady Zuzanna and her council are often visitors to Khordepi, and the High druids make regular (if slightly less frequent) visitations to Sylmaneth. Their relationship is a warm and friendly one. The reasoning behind this is obvious. Trade between the two countries is lucrative and important on both sides.


Similarly warm relationship is present between Sylmaneth and Olthambria, even if the latter makes frequent hints and suggestions at extending and funding mutual migration programmes. Trade and debate is healthy and consistent, even if Lady Zuzanna expresses frequent disbelief and lack of understanding of the Olthambrian King (who acts as a mere figurehead of the state).


Relations with Dorozar are much more complicated. Because the rulers of Dorozar are not one unified group, Sylmaneth has to make arrangements and trade deals and on top of that all diplomatic endeavours separately. As such, the relationship between Sylmaneth and the Dorozi Oligarchs ranges from friendly to strictly professional through to cold and difficult.


Relations with Aren are kept strictly professional, and achieved by mail wherever physically possible.

Agriculture & Industry

sylmaneth 6
by unknown

Under the sisterhood, Sylmaneth is the largest miner of amber on Varen. Pieces of amber torn from the seafloor are cast up by the waves, and collected by hand, dredging, or diving. Elsewhere, amber is mined, both in open works and underground galleries. Then nodules of blue earth have to be removed and an opaque crust must be cleaned off, which can be done in revolving barrels containing sand and water. Erosion removes this crust from sea-worn amber.


Thanks to the climate of the north, animal husbandry is also a large industry, prominent in everyday lives of many Sylvar. Livestock is kept for its meat, fur and bones. No part of an animal goes to waste in the north. Because it is so prominent, animal husbandry in Sylmaneth is also known for its expertise on the selective breeding in animals. In the northern most point of the country, there is a small, heavily regulated whaling industry which provides the country with oil, mostly used as an export to Olthambria and Dorozar. The south of Sylmaneth now has a large population of gigantic bees, utilised for their honey by skilled druids and dedicated bee-keepers.

Trade & Transport

The TransVarenian railway runs through the major cities of Sylmaneth and a number of the more key trade towns. This is the way a number of goods are shipped from the north into Olthambria, and sometimes into Dorozar on the way. Trade with the Khords happens mainly by sea, through the narrow channel between Sylmaneth and Khordepi, despite efforts to introduce more "convenient" form of transporting goods.

Within Sylmaneth, the most common way of transporting large amounts of produce is via teleportation circles. Cities and towns have a designated Local Goods Arcane Transportation Centre ( or a L.G.A.T.C). This centre is normally a government building with teleportation circles (the number varies depending on settlement size. A town will have one or two circles in a LGATC, cities and trading outposts have four to six each, and the LGATC in Szyla Nora has twenty active at any given time.) and several conjurers on hand to maintain and oversee the transporting process. LGATC's are also used to transport goods from Sylmaneth to Central Varen and some cities in Dorozar.

From time to time, local LGATC's will become a tourist sensation. This normally happens when someone not acquainted with the northern culture catches word of these places and fills their head with images of mystical, dimly lit rooms full of incense smoke and bloody sacrifices. Normally, when met with the tired interns and queues of quiet traders, these people end up extremely disappointed.


Under the rule of the Sisterhood of Shards, Sylmaneth has a literacy rate of 96.9%, and a numeracy rate of 98.1%. All citizens are provided with basic numeracy and literacy skills at a young age, and education is mandatory for all until the age of 15. There are several programmes which allow young citizens of the country to educate themselves beyond this, apprenticeships, work experience, military jobs and school scholarships for those who have a particular knack for academia. A great deal of effort is put into making sure that young people are kept off the streets, and are giving back to society whilst exploring the world in which they live.


The jewels of northern education are the two arcane universities; The Arcane School of Newy Themar and The University of magical aptitude of Partinowa. These two schools are considered the most prestigious education an individual with arcane talent could receive; applications come in from all over Varen and entrance exams include two practical exams as well as written pieces for each prospective student.

Ever watching, Ever lasting


  • Armiaka
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
The Northern State, The Land of White Wytches
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
The primary legal tender in Sylmaneth is the Amber Orb, but Central Varenian Gold Pieces are seamlessly integrated into the nation's currency, and so make up the smaller denominations. This excludes the Central Varenian Platinum Piece. The denominations of Sylvar Amber are as follows:   Central Varenian Copper Piece Many Sylvar wonder why this small copper disk exists - representing a mere one-hundredth of the more commonly used Gold Piece - and yet, it remains. About two centimetres in diameter and engraved with a quote from one of the five accepted gospels, this coin can, at best, buy you a single piece of chocolate at a local shop.   Central Varenian Silver Piece Looking identical to the Copper Piece in every way besides its colour, this silver disk represents one-tenth of the Gold Piece. One silver is normally enough to get you a single apple, or a small cup of fruit juice in a lower class tavern.   Central Varenian Gold Piece Introduced into the Sylvar currency at the beginning of the New Dawn era, these modestly-sized golden discs are engraved with an image of some important landmark from the continental capital.  This coin is a third of the value of an Amber Orb, and can buy you a sandwich from a street vendor, or a bundle of arrows.    Amber Orb  Roughly the size of an eyeball, these spherical pieces of amber are specially engraved with the signature of the High Priestess herself, and have a small hole running through the middle of them. This hole is intended to have a piece of twine threaded through it, so that many pieces of amber can be carried together - sometimes worn as bracelets and pinned onto hair. The drilled hole is present in all forms of Sylvar currency for this very reason. One amber orb can buy you a new knife, or a tray of five vodka shots at your nearest drinking hall.   Amber Coin Similar in shape to the Gold Piece, but half-again in size and crafted of the orange gemstone, these coins are worth five of their spherical counterpart - and by extension, fifteen Central Varenian Gold.  One Amber Coin is enough to purchase a bottle of some good-quality spirit, or a new sabre.   Amber Cube The Sylvar amber cube is the most valuable denomination of their currency, measuring in at an inch in height. Still bearing the same markings as its cousins, this piece of gemstone is equivalent to thirty amber orbs (ninety Central Gold).  This is enough to buy yourself a well-made piece of armour, a decent-quality healing potion, or a month's stay in a middling inn.
Major Exports
Arcane goods (spell books, artefacts, wands etc), alchemical goods (healing potions, poisons etc), fur, amber, oil
Major Imports
Wood, grains, clockwork, cannabis, tea leaves, cotton
Legislative Body
The High Priestess of the Sisterhood of Shards selects professionals in their field to create the council which then writes laws put into effect in Sylmaneth. For a law to pass, the council must all vote in favour of it.
Judicial Body
The High priestess upholds the supreme court of Sylmaneth, with Lesser shards acting as high jurors of the crown court, often assisted by professionals educated in Sylvar law, with years of practice behind their belts. For any smaller cases, the local priesthood makes judgement, creating the small court.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Further reading

Sylvar, the orphaned ones
Species | Jul 18, 2019

The mysterious folk of the northern tundra.

Sisterhood of Shards
Organization | Jul 21, 2019

The rulers and protectors of the Sylvar

Geographic Location | Jul 18, 2019

The white forest of the north.


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