Orphelia "Deadeye" Davenport, Sheriff of King's Crossing Character in Vanigraad | World Anvil

Orphelia "Deadeye" Davenport, Sheriff of King's Crossing

"Hard to match Orphelia with that rifle of hers, I should know, helped her make the thing. I can guarantee she's get her finger on the pulse of the Crossing's underworld and is just waiting to take her shot. Lots of folk around here look up to her and she's the reason we're not all suffocating under "protection" contracts." ~Nevarre Grik'gil, owner of Grik's Ironworks.   Orphelia was born on the streets of King's Crossing. Her mother dying to disease when she was young and leaving her to fend for herself among the unforgiving street kids. This rough upbringing taught her to appreciate the smaller conveniences Belrynna offered to those keen enough to pursue them. As she grew older, she took a shine to the Sheriffs that patrolled the bridge ways and marketplaces of the district. It wasn't long until each of the Sheriffs grew accustomed to Orphelia's shadow pattering behind them. Her sharp, sapphire blue eyes watching them work and clean their Pepperboxes and rifles. She would frequently volunteer to fetch equipment from the armory or bringing them food and water from the markets. This work eventually earned her a bunk in the barracks, as well as earning her a reputation among the shopkeepers and tavern owners of the district. If she stopped by, she was on Concord business and would accept nothing but the best for the folks that took her in.   As she grew older, she frequently petitioned the Alabaster Concord to teach her to shoot, and to learn the enforcement of Belrynd's laws. On her sixteenth summer, she was granted an internship with Garren Davenport. A twenty-two year veteran among the Concord's ranks. Orphelia took to the internship immediately and thrived under Garren's instruction. Together they drove out a burgeoning Cult of the Faceless and shutdown a human trafficking ring that had been operating within Belrynna for a decade. As well as ensuring the safe and legal transport of magical items and trinkets to the Cloud Deck above. As a result of these exploits, the Alabaster Concord authorized her deputization by Garren at seventeen. Orphelia was insistent on being stationed in King's Cossing, despite Garren's objections and his attempts to get her added post on the Cloud Deck. His only wish begin she live a better life than she had been. However her decision was only strengthened after Garren's murder in the Copper Ring tavern a year later. The murderer being lost in a crowd and the case of his death growing cold. Orphelia then took up the last name of Davenport, in the hopes that his memory would live on in the district through her.   Orphelia now serves as King's Crossing's only Sheriff, as many of her deputies and fellow Sheriffs have been moved to the Cloud Deck to protect an unknown project the Steamwork Assembly has been keeping suspiciously quiet. She does her best to maintain order within her district and often operates under a "Shoot First" philosophy.She does not tolerate the mistreatment of those in the district, with a particular soft spot for the street kids. In recent months however, she has been digging into the increasing movement of illicit arms through the Sky Deck and into the city. She can often be seen on the bridge ways above the hanger, her scope glinting in the sparking blue lights of the lower decks. Ever watchful for smugglers passing goods through the ships, with her occasional shots dropping the odd worker to the deck before she takes them for questioning.
Sapphire blue
shoulder-length brown hair pulled back into a tight braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
tanned and scarred


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