Merfolk Species in Vandrius | World Anvil
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Merfolk are an aquatic race closely descended from the fey, appearing as half-elf, half-aquatic creature. They are an adaptable race, and can be found virtually everywhere in the seas of Vandrius. Their mutable nature has led to many sub-races and distinct cousin-races as they adapt to their environments over time.

Merfolk Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma increases by 2.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 10 feet. You have a swim speed of 30 feet.   Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.   Shapechanging. Most common merfolk are bound to the seas, but as an adventurer, you have learned a magical ritual to walk on land. As 10 minute ritual, when on land, you can magically assume a bipedal humanoid shape similar to that of an elf or human. Your humanoid form appears as your merfork form with legs in place of a tail and a walking speed of 30. In this form lose your swim speed and follow all the normal rules for swimming. In addition, when you change shape from merfolk to humanoid form, you store your merfolk essence in the form of a trinket, usually seashell necklace or seafoam silk shawl or item of that nature, and must keep it safe and secure. As long as you have this item in your possession, you may use your shapechanging ability at will and may maintain either form indefinitely. Without this item you may not use your shapechanging abilities to assume your merfolk form until it is retrieved. If you are the target of a remove curse, greater restoration, heal, regenerate, or wish spell you immediately assume your merfolk form and cannot use this shapechange until the next sunset (at which point you receive your new trinket.)   Siren Song. Merfolk are known for their beautiful songs. You have proficiency in the Performance skill.   Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.   Languages. You speak, read and write Aquan, Sylvan, and either Elvish or Common.

Basic Information


The torso, arms and head of a merfolk appears elven, and indeed some could be mistaken for one if hiding under the water.  Their lower halves are that of a large fish, or in the case of the Arctic Merfolk, an aquatic mammal.  The presence of fins, scales, or hair varies depending on the specific type of merfolk
Merfolk reach adulthood in their late teens but often live up to 300 years.
Average Height
Your size is medium.
Average Weight
Average Length
5-7 ft.
Geographic Distribution

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