Recontre Tradition / Ritual in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
Religion, being the heated topic it is, offers constant opportunity for argument, both great and small. Small arguments may stem from the pronunciation of an arcane term from The Testament of Longinus or a presumed impropriety during Midnight Mass. Most of these small arguments can be solved quickly, and even if they are allowed to continue they amount to little more than a practical grudge. Some arguments take on a larger shape, however. If one vampire is passed up for an Anointing by another, or if a covenant member hears another utter something that she feels was the pinnacle of blasphemy, then an argument not so easily defeated is born. Blood runs hot with such disputes. Kindred make claims that can’t be taken back (“Your sympathy with the Crone worshippers makes you weak and feeble”) and hurl epithets at one another like stones from a Sling (“Heretic!”). Often, the only way to solve such a fiery quarrel is through the ritus of Rencontre.
Rencontre is considered Ecclesia, and is either forbidden outright by the ranking clergy or sanctioned fully by the local covenant and considered to be a holy act handed down by the Dark Prophet himself. There is no middle ground; the covenant can’t “sort of” approve of righteous satisfaction. It is, in many instances, a fight to the Final Death. The Lancea Sanctum would rather remove one of the quarrelers and maintain some semblance of unity than let bad blood poison the sanctity of the covenant. Plus, it evokes one of the unspoken tenets of The Lancea Sanctum: Competition is pure. A predator-prey relationship relies upon competition. The stronger and wiser vampire will continue her Requiem in the service to the covenant, whereas the weaker fool ends up as ashes or skulks away, shamed.
The ritus of Rencontre, for that very reason, isn’t practiced lightly. Hot-blooded novitiates looking to chop one another into fleshy gobbets over a mistaken understanding of territory may well do so, but not under the holy guise of Rencontre. Rencontre is reserved for only the most extreme disputes, such as issues of dogma, position or lineage, or questions of heresy and principle. Such disagreements are worthy of blood spilled and, potentially, unlives prematurely ended. Where Sanctified are allowed the right of Rencontre — from the youngest novitiate to the most primeval elder — they may claim that right because the cause is worthy. Rencontre can be declared at any point, provided two parties agree to initiate such a grueling ritus. While this doesn’t stop two parties from attempting to hack it out in an off-the-books, secular duel, it does stop such a battle from being recognized by the covenant. The ancient practice of Rencontre has changed little over the centuries, with a short but firm formal code attributed to the duel. The duel itself is to take place far away from mortal eyes so as to keep the Masquerade safe. The battle may occur in the basement of an abandoned tenement, in the dangerous wilds outside a city, or even in the church or basilica where Midnight Mass is held. The dueling Kindred may use weapons, and while it’s not formally written, the weapons are almost always of the melee variety. Swords, maces, daggers, axes — all are appropriate tools used to destroy one’s opponent. Kindred are not only allowed to use their Disciplines against one another, they are encouraged to. Disciplines are boons recognized by the deeds of the Dark Prophet, preternatural weapons handed down through the divine curse of the Blood. Neglecting their use is seen as both foolhardy and contrary. The entire process takes as much time as is required, be it six seconds or eight hours.
When all is said and done, the defeated vampire loses the argument, gains shame, and in many cases, forfeits his unlife.
Rencontre has changed over the span of the Danse Macabre. With the evolution of opinions and beliefs also comes transformation of ritual and practice, and Rencontre is occasionally touched by such modernity. Provided both aggrieved Kindred agree to it, anything is allowed, provided it doesn’t go against any of the covenant’s teachings. For instance, some vampires shun archaic weapons and rely instead upon modern weapons like firearms or even explosives. Some don’t even battle in the traditional sense. While top physical ability is an asset to the covenant, it’s not the only way to prove dominance. Many Kindred are skilled politicos or manipulators with little interest or ability in the physical arena. Hence, some atypical duels take place in more abstract arenas. Consider two proselytizers who are arguing over a few critical lines of local doctrine. Instead of duking it out in an abandoned construction lot, they may define the challenge as seeing who can bring the Sanctified more converts to the covenant in a given time frame. Two Gangrel Sanctified may be allowed to pit blood-slave animals or human Ghouls against one another while they sit on the sidelines, and two Ventrue may boil their argument down to a single night-long chess game. Of course, in the end, the results are really the same. The victor has proved his dominance, and the loser’s shame tolls like a bell.
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