Sling Item in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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A sling is a length of cloth or leather with a cup at its midpoint for holding a stone or metal projectile. To fire the sling, the wielder holds both ends in the same hand and whips it around her head, then lets go of one end to release the bullet.
A stave sling nails one end of the sling to the end of a six-foot wooden stave. The other end is tied into a loop and slipped around the same end. To fire a stave sling, the wielder whips it over her head. The loop slips off, releasing the bullet. The stave gives the thrower more leverage, much like an atlatl assists a spear throw. Unlike a normal sling, a stave sling is a two-handed weapon.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Damage: 2
Ranges: Thrown x3
Capacity: 1
Strength: 2
Size: 0/P
Cost: -
Sling, stave
Damage: 3
Ranges: Thrown x5
Capacity: 1
Strength: 2
Size: 4
Cost: -

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