Hound Rank/Title in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Quite simply, the Hound is the Prince's (or Primogen's) muscle. If the Sheriff is a policeman, the Hound is an assassin or a leg-breaker. He doesn't investigate, he doesn't question. his job is to punish anyone he's told to punish. In some instances, the Hound and the Sheriff are at odds due to their overlapping responsibilities. In other cities, the two are combined into a single position. While the Hound might be asked to carry out the official and public chastisement of a lawbreaker, the duty more often falls to the Sheriff. the Hound is normally employed when the Prince whishes to skip over normal (and possibly public) procedure.
Civic, Professional
Alternative Naming
Assassin, Archon, Scourge, Templar
Reports directly to

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