The Granary Building / Landmark in Valtena | World Anvil

The Granary

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The Granary is the headquarters of the Bakers Guild and is located in the city Olum. It's one of the largest guilds in the empire with over a thousand members. The name comes from the site when Olum was a much smaller town than it is now. There used to be a large granary which stored the town's grain. However, it burned down in a terrible fire. The guild stepped in and helped support the town with grain and bread from other places to get through the winter, and the land was given to them to use as a base of operations. It's grown considerably and has gone through multiple additions. The building is several stories tall making it one of the largest buildings in Olum and thus one of the most recognizable. It was designed by Balgok "Fistshredder" Moltuksgesh, an orc architect, and built by the Olum Construction Cooperative. It took just over a year to build and has undergone four major additions. Seventy years ago, a protest against the Bakers Guild for increasing prices led to the building being defaced with paint. Also, a fire forty years ago burned down much of what's known as the North Wing, but it was rebuilt, and only a few people were injured with no deaths. The granary has a dedicated temple to Menaan built inside where a priestess will regularly bless bakers who come through. Somewhat unusually, the building is also specially designed to be able to house a wide range of patrons. For outside members, they are allowed to stay in the guild hall free of charge. Most of the non administrative rooms are let out to guests. Every other year, the building is also host to a large bakers conference which tends to flood the city with bread as many people come to catch up with friends, make new ones, and learn about new advances in bread making. It also serves as the time to vote on new guild representatives and leadership.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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