Seed Giving Tradition / Ritual in Valtena | World Anvil

Seed Giving

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When elves reach maturity, they are given a seed from the Iltaufaya tree. As an adult, elves are permitted to leave their homes on their own and set off on their own adventures. The seed is a representation of their link back to their people and a blessing for new roots. The ritual is a reminder of their history when they were wandering and carrying the first Iltaufaya seed gifted to them from Tauna. The elf carries the seed with them until they find a place to call home. Once they are ready to settle down somewhere, they plant the seed, and it grows into a new tree. The ritual is performed by the local priestess who dresses as Tauna. The parents or primary guardians of the young elf flank the priestess who recites the story of how the elves came to settle in their homeland. The priestess also recites the promise that Tauna made to all elves when she gifted them the seed. The seed it then passed on to the young elf who carries it in a special pouch. It doesn't matter how long it takes to settle down. The seed will be ready to germinate as soon as it's planted in the ground no matter how inhospitable it may seem. Only one seed is ever given out in the elf's lifetime, so it's vital not to make a mistake when planting it. Some elves never plant their seeds, and other plant it in the place where they were raised and lived. Not everyone has grand ambitions of journeying away. The symbolism remains that the seed is a signifier of finding home, where ever that may be. Outside of elven settlements, most major cities have Iltaufaya trees growing in them because of elves who settled there. An elven quarter, for instance, may have a small wood of trees in the middle of the city. Some elves try to use seeds from their own tree to give to their children, but all seeds can be traced back to the first Iltaufaya tree.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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