Polta Island Geographic Location in Valtena | World Anvil

Polta Island

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Polta Island is the capital of Othuerva. It’s the largest island in the Polta Barrier Islands. The city center lies on the protected … coast. It has a port on the ocean facing side of the island. The city is divided into several districts. The temple district contains temples to the gods of creation, several minor gods, and a pantheon. The merchant district is on the water near the port. Very few people live on the island, and there are ferries to take people to the neighboring islands. The Tiger district is where the nobles live along with the imperial palace. The museum district is home to the arts and entertainment. The military museum, art museum, and imperial museum were all founded there. The port district borders the merchant district. It’s the poorest part of the island and home to brothels and gambling dens. Old town is where most of the government and administration buildings are. It’s at the center of the island. It’s a dense city that’s a hive of activity. It’s governed by a council with the lord mayor as the head. The town started out as a fishing village that grew substantially after valuable minerals were found in the water. They have to be distilled from the water.
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