Noble Lands Geographic Location in Valnoagawa | World Anvil
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Noble Lands

The most recent major landmass to be discovered in the world by the Kratocracy Empire. Within the last several decades they sent many expeditions and scouting parties to explore the coastline for a suitable location for a new settlement to be built. What is known about this land is that several Native Human tribes exist in the vast grass/woodlands of the continent, some Wild Elf cities & roaming troupes, & the faintest existence of Dwarves native to the lands due to the legends that have been handed down by those on Tamora. The land is filled with unknown ruins and teeming forest that have not been explored by sentient mortals to the fullest. Only time will tell if the lands itself is welcoming to new people or if the inhabitants present will remove them with the help of the land.


Located along ocean side and further into the lands, most of the territory consist of verdant fields/grassland and interspersed woodland & forest. Traveling hundreds of miles inland eventually leads to the footholds of an old mountain range that signifies the far end of the territory. To South it stretches all the way to a Savannah that is located just on the otherside of a large flowing river. The Northern edge becomes a terrible mix of Taiga and swampland that make travelling difficult/dangerous. 

Fauna & Flora

The Fauna consist of mixture of normal animals along with a mixture of titan-organisms that are much larger in size. Several of the large creatures roam large portions of territory and engage in turf wars for food resources and dominance.
The Flora itself consist of a similar mixture of normal and a smaller amount titan variants. The titan variants of these organisms live in harmony their normal counterparts. Few observations have been made were there is some animosity between them, but those have been determined to be a direct result of outside influence causing those actions.
Deep within the Noble Land, there is a singular forest of Giant Sequoia's that is used by the Indigenous Human tribes to keep track of their history and accomplishments.

Natural Resources

  • Abundant farmland for crop production and rotation
  • Hills and natural caverns that provide access to metal ores, minerals, and precious gems
  • Wood resources from abundant woodlands and forest
  • Abundant wildlife for hunting & possible domestication.
  • Titan organisms for unique resource and specialized components


First settled by the Native Human tribes over 8,000 years ago that have remained as tribal societies for their entire history to date. It was quickly followed by several Wild Elf expeditions over the intervening 5 centuries where they established their own city-state territories.
Alternative Name(s)
The New Lands, Home of Refugees, Bright Land
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