Ancient Asrek Language in Valleris | World Anvil

Ancient Asrek

The History of its Speakers

The Asran bloodline can be traced back to pre-civilization. No definite time has been determined for the creation of Asran as a unified entity, but it was definitely prior to the year 3000, The Old Élan (TOE). Scholars suggest that the civilization dates back to as early as 10,000 TOE. If that is the case, then it took thousands of years for the writing system to be developed, or at least for it to become commonplace enough for there to be surviving specimens of writing.   Today's surviving artifacts that bear ancient Asrek pictographs and scripts are aged at about 3500 TOE at the oldest, stemming from the height of the empire that ruled much of the world until its decline around 850 TOE. Today's Asran civilization and its people have set firm borders closer to its original homeland and size, although Asrek artifacts can be found throughout Valleris.  

The Evolution of its Writing System

The written language has changed extensively over time. The earliest uncovered Asran texts were primarily pictographs inscribed in clay tablets or on the walls of the buildings -- some of which are still standing. Using the earliest known necromancer, Ik'tet, as a gauge for time, a written script was adopted shortly before 3000 TOE. Ik'tet was thought to have lived between 3000 - 2890 TOE. His writings were a complex collection of diagrams, pictograms that alluded to an earlier accepted writing system, as well as "scribbles" in a script format.   Ik'tet's writings were the first, so far, and the earliest to show a development of a written script, a major shift from the visual art that had previously graced all of Asran's books and buildings.  

Some Known Vocabulary

Linguistic scholars are still hard at work, but by putting together ancient pictographs, the written scripts gathered over time, and referring to the modern Asrek language, the ancient lexicon is building up more and more. Some simple, agreed-upon words include:
  • nisid - the ancient Asran civilization
  • me - I, me, mine, my
  • u - you, your, yours
  • tid - he, she, him, her, his, hers, it, its
  • ni - we, us, ours, our
  • et - you, your, yours (plural)
  • kitid - they, them, their, theirs
  • Bal bafarizas! - What a discovery!
  • Fid me akedoki za zibeh - First I stabbed/pierced the beetle.
  • Potanu za zibeh aneya atul varan- After the beetle died, it came (back) alive.


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