Chapter 3: Legal Fee's, The Archive and The Inqusition. Plot in Vallen | World Anvil
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Chapter 3: Legal Fee's, The Archive and The Inqusition.

Hook/Lead Up

Set in Eugenes Hometown, the party get to explore this peaceful town for only a day when a visiting Inquisitor from the Chruch of Life finds evidence of a potential Demon Population. The Party is then forced into the Archives in the vain hope that Eugene (The Towns Best paperworker) can find the legal loop-hole that will save half the towns population from a horrible death.) Thier task is simple: Find a loophole or some way to forbid the Inqusition from entering the town.

Story Line

The Players enter The Archives proper and meet The Desk Attendant who tells them the rules of The Archives (And why) and swaps thier ineffective weapons for Ink Weapons.

After a combat encounter the players find Deskers Sign which points them to all other set locations. The Sheefs is the closest place to the sign. When the players go there the Goblin Villagers are introduced. When/If the players ask for direction to the Law Section of The Archives they are told the should book an appointment with The Venerable Elder. When visiting The Venerable Elder he tells the Party to find Papernax the Paper Dragon, sadly the elder does not know where Papernax is but suggests looking either The Split, The Paper Forrest or The Helix.

Players can now do sidequests.

Papernax will be found in the 3rd location investigated by the Party.

When found and fought, Papernax (after his loss) will help the players with finding a legal loophole to exploit and then save Overbarrows population. The Loophole is: The clasification of a Demonic Portal/Gate.

The Demonic Portal/Gate is a location beneath the town of Overbarrow, it is a portal between the Demonic Realms and Vallen. The portal was built by a group of cultists who worshipped demons and had way to many resources. The cultists (thinking that where a good village was an evil demon village would be in the Demonic Realms.) built thier gateway underneath Overbarrow (Just Barrow at the time.) however in thier rush to finnish the gate before a group of adventurers showed up, they failed to take the proper safety precausions and were reduced to ash by the activation of the gate. On the otherside of the portal was a town (Equal in size to Barrow) filled with friendly demons. The Adventurer's, unable to both kill the friendly (and suprisingly kind) demons or destroy the "Portal", labeled it as a gateway. This labeling means that it Technically is a Holy Artifact created with permission by One or More gods and therefore cannot be destroyed without threat of all individials involved recieving divine punnishment for the crime. Any beings to pass through the gate are considered denizens of the God who claims the portal and therefore are under thier protections, rendering them excempt from any other Gods control unless given permission by that god.

The Party laugh at how stupid this is and then leave the Archives. When they exit it is dusk and they have meer minutes before the Inqusition arrives, they must rush to the Starfounders Church and tell the priest so that he may commune with The God of Night so that he may claim The Gateway as his and save the Demonic and Tiefling Residents of Overbarrow (And possibly Underbarrow too.).

Eugene finds out that he is a Tiefling from his parents. He didn't know because his parents blocked his demonic blood at an early age so that he may have the choise to be either a Gnome or a Tiefling. They were going to give him this choise when he turned 18 but he left to become a priest of Time when he turned 17 (They only realised they'd forgotten to tell him after he'd left.) This also explains why he cannot enter most Churches, the Gods who hate deciete dislike him, the Gods who hate self deciete dislike him and the Gods who hate Demons Hate him. Eugene's Parents give him the choice to either become a Tiefling or stay a Gnome. Eugene Chooses to become a Tiefling.

When Elys and the party go to Overbarrows Mail office to talk with the Priest, the Mayor, The Hunter, The Venerable Elder (Who along with all the other Goblin Villagers, followed you out of The Archives.) and The manager of The Newcomers House. The party gets a reward. When the party leaves, Elys finds a letter written by M. The Letter reads: (Marshals Hometown), find Him Elys. You know who. -M

The party now has a new place to visit.


Help Gorbie make his soup. (Find Ingredients in the Archives and a Potion.)

Fern tasks the Party with finding out where the Book Mimics are coming from.

Fix Xo-3_559F and get it operating at full capacity again.

Character Rubbish

Eugene: Become Teifling. Is questioning reality and who He is as a person. Eugene has a reuinion with the girl who bullied him when he was a child. (Funnily enough she is now romantically interested in him.)

Yammy: Starts to find herself. Names herself Velocity after reading a book about self help.

Elys: Knows where to find Father. Opens up a little?

Ruby: Starts doubting whether her mothers ways are the best. Ruby gets assigned to Kill Judge Knott (Marshall's father)

Marshall: Begins to miss his wife. Unlocks "Fulller Auto."


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