Banner Dancers Organization in Valkosh | World Anvil
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Banner Dancers

A troupe of dancers in the Northern Triune, primarily based in Baran. Though outsiders might seem them as simply skilled dancers, they are often regarded as storytellers among the folk of the Triune.


The Banner Dancers were founded by a mother and her three daughters. The mother was a weaver and her daughters were dancers. It is said that the mother could weave anything except the dance of the daughters. The mother was saddened that she could never capture her daughters' skills and gracefulness in her designs.   The daughters put together a plan, however. They asked their mother to weave a banner that told a story, one near to her heart. She weaved a banner and adorned it with the story of how she had met their father, a great warrior who had long passed away. Banner in hand, the daughters created a dance that told the story displayed on the banner. And so, the story that could not be told became a greater tool to tell and preserve more stories.   The teachings of the daughters spread until a group had been formed under them. This group only grew, becoming an official guild under the Northern Triune. The Banner Dancers are now highly sought-after performers and renowned as masters of their craft, still telling stories through the flutter and waving of intricate banners.

"Wavered history, adorn it all. By way of light, the silver falls."

Weave, wave, flutter, and fly. The Dance of the Banner is a treat for the eyes.
— Banner Dancer poster
Entertainment, Troupe

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