Pascal Gaither Character in Valine | World Anvil
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Pascal Gaither

Pascal Gaither is the lone survivor of a group of dwarves who, fleeing north after The Sanctuary was overrun by goblins, stumbled upon the Empyrean Spires and discovered the rich silver deposits there. The harsh conditions killed Gaither’s companions as they tried to return to civilization with the silver ore they had discovered and mined there. Only Pascal made it back and was able to crudely map out the pass back to the rich valley before falling into a long coma.   When he awoke from the coma, settlement of the Spires had already begun. Pascal made one last trip back to the area to stake a claim to the silver deposits that he had discovered. He was last seen leaving the city of Astigill twenty-eight years ago and is presumed long dead in the harsh snows of the Empyrean Spires.

Cover image: World of Valine Tome by Rob Taylor


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