Gabrunel Zincolland Character in Valine | World Anvil
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Gabrunel Zincolland

Character created by John Shea

(a.k.a. Gabe)

A githyanki druid living in the Ardeer Hills outside of Irvine.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gabe got a tattoo on a dare when a young teenager. Gabe's parents began saving when he first showed a keen interest in nature and purchased him a rare Herbal that became his inheritance. He holds a secret that causes him deep seated shame. It is known to those in his home town of Largesse and he feels he can never go home.

Mental Trauma

As he feels he can never return home, Gabe clings to a twig from the meeting tree of Largesse that is his only connection to home.

Morality & Philosophy

Gabe has a strong sense of fair play and always tries to find the most equitable solution to arguments. He believes that nobody should get preferential treatment before the law, and no one is above the law.

Personality Characteristics


The river's endless flow reminds Gabe of the great span of the world. He seeks to act with the long-term interests of nature in mind.

Virtues & Personality perks

Gabe strives to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Vices & Personality flaws

The people who knew Gabe when he was young know his shameful secret, so he can never go home again.


Contacts & Relations

Gabe's mentor was a Lycanthropy who taught Gabe to treat all living things with equal regard. He told all manner of stories about his journeys.  
Current Status
Possibly inside a magical box of unknown purpose?
Year of Birth
974 28 Years old
Current Residence
Salt and pepper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Related Plots
Known Languages

Cover image: World of Valine Tome by Rob Taylor
Character Portrait image: by Rob Taylor


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