Bay of Carrane Geographic Location in Valine | World Anvil
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Bay of Carrane

The Bay of Carrane gets its name from the city of Carrane which encompasses nearly half of the coastline of the bay on the Opristan Peninsula. The bay used to be home to a triton wizard who led an arcane cult in the late 100s. Little is known about this cult by the land dwellers of Valine. The cult's arcane experimentation on the aquatic botany changed the bay's ecosystem. All the magical plants created in these experiments have gone extinct as they lost the ability to reproduce, but the wildlife that evolved around the sea plants remained. The bay is the only place in Valine where some species of fish can be found and they are highly sought after for use in cuisine. Non-licensed fishing in the bay has become illegal because the sale of these fish has become the city-state's main export. The black market sale of fish has become a significant problem in Carrane.

Cover image: World of Valine Tome by Rob Taylor


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