COMPLETED: Demon Bomber Report in Valentcia | World Anvil
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COMPLETED: Demon Bomber

General Summary

Over the last few months several locations within Greensward have been bombed. All of which are government building mostly guardhouses. The most recent was a bomb left in the administration office near Castle Gate, during which a positive ID was made on a purple Tiefling fleeing the scene. Since then the trail has gone cold, and the party have very little to go on.   Just recently there was another bombing in the guardhouse in Fort Daneborough and an arrest was made of one Casxez Hava. Gilvamane Hava proceeded the entourage that brought Casxez into Greensward to be imprisoned, upon seeing Pious she ran up to him pleading for him to help her brother out of this situation. Pious was unable or unwilling to provide such assistance and Gilvamane ran off to Wharfside.   The guardhouse in Fort Daneborough was a 2 storied building which is now mostly collapsed. Despite wishing to help the party's assistance was declined.   Upon their return to Greensward Pious attempts to investigate more concerning Casxez' incarceration. A trial date has not yet been set but it seems that an execution would follow very shortly after a guilty verdict. Pious tracks down Gilvamane in order to offer assistance. She is at her wit's end as she attempts to persuade a member of the The Scarab to help bust him out, but is refused.   Pious goes and sees Casxez in prison and is allowed visitation. They discuss in thieves cant so as not to lead the guard on to their deception. They come up with some semblances of a plan, Casxez believes he could get outside of the prison however getting out of Castle district will be another matter entirely. Pious explains to the party of his plans, Mess agrees to help him. Pious, Mess, and Gilvamane settle in to discuss plans and make arrangements.   Gilvamane Hava can procure means of getting out of the city but only if Pious and Mess can get Casxez Hava out of Castle District. Pious formulates a plan that involves another delve into visitation with Casxez Hava. He is able to hide thieves' tool on Gilvamane Hava person and gets her into see Casxez Hava. While providing a distraction she has no trouble slipping him the contraband. From the discussion Pious also discovers the location of some additional explosives.  Upon leaving Pious notices that a small silver disc has been slipped into both his and Gilvamane Hava bag.  Mess identifies them as containing some traces of a location spell but it's either weak or inactive at the moment.  Taking no chances they leave them on an outbound carriage and carry on.   Mess is to provide a distraction and with the acquired bombs he thinks he'll be able to do just that. The bomb has some sort of timer but no indication of time. Upon returning to meet back up with Gilvamane Hava, who had been keeping watch at Pious' ingress point, they find a strange balding man giving her a gift. The simple mirror seems harmless, but it slips Gilvamane Hava mind to recount the entrance of 3 individuals into the sewers.   11:25pm the plan begins, Mess convinces the guards he is drunk and heading home within castle district. Pious attempts to enter the sewers but is met by the same balding man as before. He attempts to persuade Pious to accept his help as 3 people are waiting below to cause him harm. After much debate he agrees to Gaunter's proposal. With nothing more than the clap of his hands he allows Pious to proceed without worry from those that should be waiting for him. Gaunter was true to his word and the 3 individuals were all slain at the bottom of the ladder. One was familiar to Pious as he had addressed him before about accepting the job from The Scarab, which he failed to accomplish. Without further distraction Pious gets into position 4 minutes ahead of schedule.   12:00am as the bell sounds Mess sets the explosives across the street from the prison and sets it for the maximum time limit then summons an undead hand to cause mischief. 12:03 Mess escapes Castle District. 12:04 Casxez Hava appears over the wall and withdraws into the sewers. 12:05 an explosion rattles the whole block and guards begin leaving their posts to investigate. 12:22 they meet up with Gilvamane Hava who has a small handcart of supplies along with Shiva. They escape while Mess and Pious lay low until morning when they can get on a boat bound for Rubi'Sarha.
Report Date
16 Dec 2020


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