Odin God of Survival & Wisdom Character in Valencia | World Anvil
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Odin God of Survival & Wisdom

Woðanaz, “Master of Ecstasy” Óðinn (a.k.a. The All Father)

Odin The AllFather, The Prime God of Valencia. Odin, also called Wodan, Woden, Wotan or Wednesday The God of those who need guidance.   Odin walks among the planes searchings for wisdom and knowledge. He is also seen by many as the Guid after death. Taking those who have died too Valhalla or to Hell and guiding them to their place of rest. sometimes he decides those who have died aren’t ready for death yet and can give them a new life, but this is rare and the coasts of which can be large.   Odin is depicted as an old man with a walking staff, followed along side his close friend and loyal companion Fenrir. the Wolf that once tried to kill him. now a companion that helps look after the old man.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Wisdom, Survival, Light, Nature, Life, Death.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Valknut Odin's Death Symbol, Odin's eye, The Raven, The Wolfs.


Wodensday. Every Weekdays middle-day

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Allfather came from the old world with his Son Vidarr and his Grandchildren Móði and Magni. These 4 used their power to create the new world and start a fresh. However there was a dispute, Vidarr wanted to create the world in his image, creating a world of tradition, crafted on the tenants of the old world. Vidarr tried to convince Móði and Magni that this was the right way to make the world.   Odin in his Wisdom found out about this plot threw a Loyal Raven who heard Vidarr speak of it in the woods of the old worlds ruins (for this The raven became the sign of the watchful guardians of the gods). Enraged Odin took his spear and struck down Vidarr with it, piercing his heart and killing him in front of Móði and Magni. to the brothers he said this “I have struck down my son for his wicked ways of thinking. these ways I tolerated once before however now I have learnt that it must be eradicated. The world changes and continues to change. as do we with it, let us not repeat the past but instead learn from it and grow apron it. As the roots of Yggdrasil dose, ever growing and spreading. ever learning”   With that the 3 took the body of Vidarr and used it to create the world, the mortal plane. The Teeth were used to make the mountains of the world. The Ribs the Caverns and Caves below the surface of the world. The Blood the oceans and lakes of the world. The Eyes the 2 Suns that cast light onto the world. The Veins were used to give Yggdrasil more roots to spread across the multiverses. The Hair was made into the Grass of the lands. The Flesh coated the Surface of the new world creating the lands. The Skull was used to keep Valhalla and Asgard separate and protected from the rest of the world.   Odin gave his Right eye to create the Moon to cast Shadow on the world to pay tribute to Vidarr.   With the Right arm of Vidarr, Odin Created the Pure Elves and let them create the Fey to live within. These Elves were made to balance the Chaos in the world. With the Left arm of Vidarr, Odin Created the Pure Dwarfs and let them create the Elemental planes to live within. These Dwarfs were made to balance the Law within the world.   With the Legs of Vidarr Odin Created the New Gods to help the Prime gods rule where they lack precedence.


Lyna The Goddess of Law, Faith & Foresight.

Child (Important)

Towards Odin God of Survival & Wisdom



Odin God of Survival & Wisdom

Father (Important)

Towards Lyna The Goddess of Law, Faith & Foresight.




The First Child of Odin, The most covenanted child

Diem God of Luck, Fate & Fortune

Son (Vital)

Towards Odin God of Survival & Wisdom



Odin God of Survival & Wisdom

Father (Vital)

Towards Diem God of Luck, Fate & Fortune



Rosh Goddess of Art & Beauty

Wife (Important)

Towards Odin God of Survival & Wisdom



Odin God of Survival & Wisdom

Husband (Important)

Towards Rosh Goddess of Art & Beauty



Misra Goddess of Pain & Sorrow

Lover (Vital)

Towards Odin God of Survival & Wisdom



Odin God of Survival & Wisdom

Lover (Vital)

Towards Misra Goddess of Pain & Sorrow



Kverk The Destroyer, God of Fire, War and Anger

Son (Trivial)

Towards Odin God of Survival & Wisdom



Odin God of Survival & Wisdom

Father (Trivial)

Towards Kverk The Destroyer, God of Fire, War and Anger



The Brothers Grim

Sons (Trivial)

Towards Odin God of Survival & Wisdom



Odin God of Survival & Wisdom

Father (Trivial)

Towards The Brothers Grim



lăcomie the dark angle of greed

Daughter (Trivial)

Towards Odin God of Survival & Wisdom



Odin God of Survival & Wisdom

Father (Trivial)

Towards lăcomie the dark angle of greed



Divine Classification
True Neutral
Circumstances of Birth
From the old world he was reborn to create the new world.
Right eye is hidden behind cloth at all times. the Left eye is green.
Long, White, Straight hair, matted
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, old and withered
Ruled Locations

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