Half-Orcs / Urokmaor/ Demilaetu Species in Valencia | World Anvil
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Half-Orcs / Urokmaor/ Demilaetu

Laetumaor, which means Beast-Men in the common tongue, infest Valencia. In the Northern Reaches, which include Harkeep, High Tower and Greenwood they are a common nuisance; always raiding the lands of humans, ambushing and slaughtering, and pillaging and plundering. There are several races of non-human humanoids in Valencia; all of them are typically generically referred to as Laetumaor, unless one specifies which race of beast men is being described. The Urok are the most common beastmen and vaguely resemble a larger, stockier, more primitive and monstrous version of humanity with gray-green skin, tusk-like incisors, coarse hair, and feral eyes that can see equally well in both daylight and total darkness.


These fecund and warlike primitive humanoids occupy unsettled territories and prey on the weak, be they humans or other races of beastmen, or even weaker tribes of their own kind. Some of the more civilized tribes occasionally trade with humans, and a scant few tribes are even on less than hostile terms with some of the barbarian human tribes in the far north and even some settlers on the frontier outskirts of the kingdoms of Valencia. While quite rare, it is not unknown for a human and an Urok to wed or otherwise couple and have a Demi-Beast offspring. These half-human and half-Orcish offspring are known as Urokmaor as a polite name and are typically referred to as DemiLaetu, or half-Beast.


The half-orcs of Valencia share common attributes of their dual lineage. Most are larger and more physically robust than their fully human counterparts. They also tend towards a slightly green and slightly gray mottled complexion and tend to share their orcish parent's genetics for hair and pallid features. To humankind they look more monstrous than human and to orcish kind they look more frail and plain, lacking the large tusks and warty skins that the Urok see as signs of beauty. To both humankind and the Laetumaor, the Demilaetu are seen as repulsive-looking mongrels of inferior genetics. The half-orcs tend to be more intelligent than their Urok counterparts, but struggle with the manipulation of abstract symbols which makes them seem to be less intelligent than humans in general. This isn't necessarily true, but human education does not come easily or naturally to the half-orcs and humankind is quick to mistake the inability to imagine in the abstract as stupidity.


If the Urokmaor are renown for anything it is their physical strength, ferocity , and savagery in battle. Whether this is due to the orcish heritage or the fact that half-orcs raised by either humans or Uroks tend to be social outcasts and despised, which forces them to learn to fight and defend themselves at an early age, is unknown. However, the result is that those of half-orcish blood are feared for their prowess and capacity for brutality. Raised among humans the Demilaetu find themselves to be bigger, stronger, and much more intimidating and imposing. Socially though, they are almost always outcasts and are despised, hated, and feared. Raised by their Urok relations, they are seen as weaker, far too cerebral, smaller, and useless . Regardless of which race raises them, the childhood or a half-orc is almost always traumatic and lonely, leaving them to grow into loner outcasts that despise others, trust none, and rarely ever fit into society.

However those that do manage to find their place within their respective societies can become notable figures. Urokmaor that live among the beast-men tribes often become warlords, leaders, shaman, and in many instances they rise to the head of their respective groups. Their increased capacities for planning, strategy, and foresight allows them to out maneuver and out-plan their orcish peers providing them an advantage that can far outweigh their physical disadvantages of being physically weaker. In human lands, Demilaetu mainly serve as soldiers, bodyguards, local security and other military -like capacities. Those that choose to live outside of the rule of law and order can also thrive in the life of a bandit or brigand. The half-orcs retain the ability to see in total darkness as well as a typical human can see in daylight. This huge advantage over humans makes them excellent scouts and raiders, or even better burglars as they can easily outclass humans in darkness.

If a crime seems to have no reason, or senseless brigandry and murder threatens good folk, one need look no further than the closest Demilaetu. The gods thesmelves cursed these abominations and casued their outer mien to reflect the vileness of their souls.
— Otlanus Vinescar, High Guard General of Port Delta

Oddly, the Urokmaor tend to find the best acceptance from the Dvergr / Dwarves that populate the Ashen Hills, the Longbeards. While it is common knowledge that the Dvergr despise and hate Uroks, this enmity doesn't extend to the mixed-blood offspring of the Uroks. The fairer-skinned dwarves are known to hire Urokmaor as they see them as stronger and more efficient humans that share the dwarves physical prowess and night-vision and lack the softness and handicaps of most humans. The Longbeards appreciate the half-orcs within their ranks and those few that live among them live a life of soldiering, helping to protect their merchant caravans, and as scouts; however it is also not unknown for some of them to learn the dwarven longbeard arts of brewing and vintning . A few have also been rumored to live among the Dvergr as healers.


Outside of the settled lands of Valencia Urokmaor find some minor acceptance in the rolling planes and untamed forests inhabited by the various tribes of the nomadic barbarians. While the tribes, and their various beliefs and cultures, are vast and varied; some of the more primitive barbarians tend to view Orcs as little more than 'ugly people' so there is very little differentiation between those of mixed heritage and pure humans. In those more primitive societies the Urokmaor are prized as fierce warriors, skilled hunters, and savage raiders and they find acceptance there. The few half-orcs in those areas tend to live their entire lives with their respective tribes, never traveling to the 'more civilized' lands of the Valencians.

by Dirk Reznik
Fierce in battle and as equally ferocious in peace the Urokmaor, the offspring of human and orcish parents, live lives as reviled and despised outcasts, always viewed with suspicion and fear.
Urokmaor rarely trust others, having learned at a young age that pure-blood humans fear them, Alfar hate them, and even Uroks view them with contempt.  While some find fame and fortune in Valencia living the lives of mercenaries, soldiers, and gladiators, many more fall into a criminal existence forcibly taking their vengeance from the very people that shunned them

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Cover image: by Dirk Reznik


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