Orgnar Ock Character in Valdys | World Anvil
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Orgnar Ock

Professor Orgnar Ock

Orgnar Ock is the Professor of Sacred Magic and the Operation of the Heavens at Illyria's University of Arcana .

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Professor Ock was born in The Abariate of Taar, an island nation to the East of Nerevarn.  Orcs, while not untalented in the arcane arts, are not particularly interested in the study of sacred magic obtained from the Gods, and their warrior culture is not predisposed to intense study.  Therefore, since he showed an early aptitude for both, Ock's parents sent him to live with distant family who had moved to Illyria a decade or so before and he has remained in the city ever since, although he takes frequent visits home where he is something of a local celebrity.


As the Professor of Sacred Magic, Orgnar Ock takes the lead in educating those students who enter the University to study the clerical arts.  Sacred Magic is usually a fairly small intake each year, as most naturally talented mages prefer to study 'natural' or 'arcane' magic which does not require them to please Dianecht or any other deity in order to use their skills most effectively.  As a result, Ock also holds the position of Professor of the Operation of the Heavens, which teaches students to read the will of the gods by watching the movements of the heavenly bodies.  Many students take both classes - possibly out of common interest and ambition, possibly to have more classes with Professor Ock, who is extremely popular owing to his friendly manner and somewhat old-fashioned charm.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Professor Ock is an extremely powerful cleric of Dianecht, and one of the few professors at the University not to also serve Asari, Goddess of the Arcane. While the two deities are not strictly opposed, the inherently power-hungry nature of those who seek arcane power does not lend itself to the highest favours of Dianecht, which are required to maintain the level of Clerical devotion Ock's divinely sourced magic draws upon. Besides, not being reliant upon 'natural' magic to wield his talents, Asari's blessings are less tempting to clerics such as Ock than they would be to other kinds of magic-users.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1180 NL 1039 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown
Aligned Organization


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