Breagon Organization in Valdoria | World Anvil


Breagon is the only sovereign nation of Dwarfs in Valdoria. They are a small nation that is nestled in the Dwar Mountains, that are in the middle of the territory ruled by The Emantla Empire. To this point they have managed to remain free from the Empire. This they have done because of the difficulty of the terrain, and because the majority of their territory is beneath the surface of the mountains. The only settlements that are above the ground are a few trading posts.   All of their cities are hidden, accessible only to those who know were the entrances are. This was done for a few reasons. The main reason they did this is because they are a very secretive people, to the point of being xenophobic. The secondary reason they did this was to protect the treasures which are stored in their cities.   Though many of the citizens of Breagon are xenophobic, there are those who are not. These dwarfs are the ones who work on the surface. Usually they work in the trading posts within the mountains, but some of them will carry their goods to other regions.   Most members of society are miners, or craftsdwarfs who produce arms, armors, and other items from the raw materials excavated from the earth. There is a smaller portion of the population how provide the sustenance for the rest of the nation. They have developed a method of farming that they can do in their subterranean dwellings. Though much of their diets consist of mushrooms, they have found a way to produce other fruits and vegetables underground. Still others have become hunters, providing meat as well as furs.
Geopolitical, Country


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