Bashtar Organization in Valdoria | World Anvil


Bashtar is located to the East of Asmador. This nation is populated mainly by a mixture of elves and humans. Due to their proximity to and history with Asmador, they have been one of the prime targets for the slavers. This has caused no shortage of animosity between the two nations. Though they have not been in outright conflict, there have been many smaller skirmishes over the years. Most of these were between the local militia and the slavers themselves and were caused from the local's attempt to defend themselves. These skirmishes however have not helped the relations between these two nations, and have nearly caused them to come to open war on more than one occasion. Currently they are on the brink or war with tensions running high.   Because of the slaver raids, the people of Bashtar have become wary of strangers, this is especially true in regions north of the Ralkoz Mountains, where the majority of the raids take place. Even though the people are wary of strangers, once you have proven that you can be trustworthy, they become very welcoming and warm. However, earning this trust can be more difficult for certain people, this is mainly true for people how are Drow or Tiefling. People of these races are distrusted due to the fact that most of the slaver raids are done by people of these races.
Geopolitical, Country
Controlled Territories
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