Vixil, the Blood Curse Character in Val Kora | World Anvil
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Vixil, the Blood Curse

Genderless; Demon

Vixil is a dark and powerful creature from the Nine Hells who takes many forms to ensnare mortals in their games.
Vixil delights in manipulating the tides of fate and appears when great events are about to unfold. Some scholars of the The Arcane Coasts have dedicated countless hours to tracking the appearances, forms and actions of Vixil, in an effort to better anticipate their arrival and identify those who have fallen victim to their pacts.
Vixil's ultimate plan has yet to be discerned, though some fear the devil's plan is simply to enjoy disaster.  

Summoning the Demon

Though many hypothise that there are certain rituals to contact Vixil, none are documented or widly known. Though, many who enter into a pact with the creature admit to being in dire need and crying out for help or in anguish before Vixil made their presence known. It seems to be drawn to suffering.
Those who dedicate their entire existence to Vixil, or whom the creature takes a keen interest in, might have alternate ways of drawing the beast's attention.

Encounter with Irakhell

The demon tilted the tiefling's chin up with the head of it's axe, chuckling every so slightly. Ever so infuriatingly condecendingly.
"Irakhell. What a pathetic sight you are, dripping blood on such a regal rug. Poor little mortal," it chided, like a mother might over a scraped knee. "If only you knew what true power felt like... ah! The chaos you and I could sow.
I wonder, what would you give to taste what I can offer you..."
Vixil first appeared to Irakhel in the shape of a great and powerful devil, splitting the plane and pausing time as Irakhell was at his weakest. Mocking the apparent doom of the tiefling, it extended an offer he could hardly refuse. The power to escape with his life, and the potential to earn more power - enough to kill a king in his own castle.
Though no price has been named other than a favor to be redeemed at the demon's choosing, Irakhell now wields the eldrich power of Vixil, gunning down those who stand in his way.

Since then, Irakhell has had few encounters with his patron who occiasonally nudges him in a direction or trickles a little more power to him, and though unspoken Irakhell understands the price he is paying is his freedom one way or another.


Vixil, the Blood Curse


Towards Irakhel Erhart


Irakhel Erhart


Towards Vixil, the Blood Curse




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