Saboteur Military Formation in Uto Daeg | World Anvil


Gobtober 2021: Prompt 21
The high walls of cities protect the inhabitants. Behind thick walls of stone and earth cities sleep peacefully. If that city rebels against its overlord they are safe. The King's Saboteurs simply do not care.   For the better part of a decade soldiers who show particular talent in memorization and deft hands are set aside. They travel to Oasis in large wagons, debriefed on their new lives as saboteurs. The winds of the Deadlands from the north across the wasteplains. The soldiers spend the next several years training to become saboteurs.   They are called "Siege Engineers" by the regular army, but their title is Saboteur. These specialists use black powder in barrels or horns. They burrow underneath walls and arm the devices to tear holes in the ground above, bringing down the walls. They learn how to craft ladders and battering rams from tall trees. In their sleep they can assemble ballistae. By night they can properly arc a trebuchet's stone. In the day they memorize the lay of the land so at night they tell the war-giants how to proceed. They, simply, dominate any siege warfare.   They aren't without their shortcomings: training is intensive, and long. Those who die are not immediately replaced. They also receive little training in combat themselves besides basic self-defense: their primary schooling concerns stratagem and violent gambits.   Currently, there are several dozen Saboteurs in service with many retired or on reserve. Don't let the numbers fool, however, for they really are a whole army when properly utilized.
Special Forces


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