Queen-elect Tyna Kettlewhistle Character in Uto Daeg | World Anvil

Queen-elect Tyna Kettlewhistle

Queen-elect Tyna Dyrie Kettlewhistle (a.k.a. Quickwit)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tyna has been out of practice for a while, but is still spry enough to complete the requirements for the standing army. She has slimmed, losing a good bit of muscle from her younger days, but retains youthfulness.

Body Features

Tan skin. Long, straight black hair.

Facial Features

Oval face with round nose. Slim, but not skinny.

Identifying Characteristics

Birthmark in the shape of the letter D on the left side of her neck.

Physical quirks

Tyna has a strong gait. Her nose flares when she is angry.

Special abilities

She posses slight magical power, though whether from her birth or her dark dealings it is hard to say. Her charisma is legendary and captivating.

Apparel & Accessories

Tyna prefers the golden colors accented with turquoise or cyan. Yellow and red are also a favorite.

Specialized Equipment

Unmatched in Lancing.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born the daughter of nobles, no expense was spared in the raising of Tyna. Her tutors marveled at her keen mind and ability to pick up any subject with ease. They remarked she was too intelligent for her own good, and would often trick and lead her instructors down rabbit trails to kill or waste time. She showed apt studying skill but never applied herself fully, they said. Her parents couldn't be happier that their daughter was surely a smart one.   Years in school paid off for her and she quickly stepped on the figurative heads of her peers, surpassing them on the scholastic ladder three rungs at a time. Her teachers all praised her, but hated her sharp tongue. Her friends and classmates called her Quickwit, and it stuck. She would, when the mood fancied her, discuss with her philosophy and religious teachers about esoteric beliefs and how these teachings that had been suppressed would feasibly work, going on to deftly portray situations in general enough terms to warrant these old beliefs credibility and soundness.   Quickwit thrived after school, taking her time studying the art of defense, what few books they had on the subject in the peaceable Riverlands. Lancing was her sport of choice, and she often rode in masked to hide her identity. Many a tournament she won on her prized Stouter, Lewis. After a match, she would sit side-saddle and twirl his billy goat beard with her finger, smiling at the faces and eyes fixed on her. None could best her in this regard and she knew it.   All of these exploits deepened the love her mother and father had for her. At every party she was ceremoniously led out, much to her likening, and showcased. Her deeds were made plain, and often knights from as far away as Weirland came to test her. She met every match with ferocity and superlative showmanship. Tricks of the blade to throw the opponent off balance, or pure, refined skill, anything for her to win.   As she became about the age of thirty, her parents retired, being old themselves. Her father had begun losing his mind, and this scared her deeply. Her mother would be strong and care for him, but in the end, dementia gobbled his memories and he was reduced to a snarling beast, locked in the dungeon as a raving madman.   Her mother, distraught of course by the suddenness of seeing her husband go from jolly king to stark raving mad drove her to seek out otherworldly council. She consorted with the good clerics and pastors of the land, but as they offered no help and the king deteriorating at an increasing rate, she sought more potent and possibly powerful answers. The queen left the castle as soon as her daughter was declared more fit than her mother. Quickwit had a solemn coronation within the week, first declaring riders to go out and find her mother and bring her back as safely and carefully as they could. None ever returned.   After years of searching, Quickwit slowly recalled the knights back, unless they too become taken by whatever thing preyed upon them, devouring them whole. She quietly settled down as Queen and prepared for diplomatic ties to the surrounding countries.   To the West she wrote to the new king Manaron and suggested a partnership. Always warm to the Riverlands, the Weirland Burgmeisters quickly acknowledged her officially as the new Queen of the Riverlands. Samba Ka and their leader also acknowledged and sought trading deals and an open travelling without fear of repression or taxation. Quickwit quickly accepted this and the other beneficial agreements with the aforementioned countries. She dropped her nickname Quickwit formally, insisting on being called Tyna to her friends, furthering her regal heir she put on. She calmed as a firebrand, turning kinder and quieter, but no less fierce when needed.   When she was fifty, Manaron of Evoria sent a proposal to unite, gifting the country the same benefits the newly-acquired Weirland had. She gathered a council of advisers who debated and suggested it to be the best option since a disparaging famine recently struck the land. The usual evil things and monsters had been rising in population as well, terrorizing farmers and citizens alike. They came to the conclusion that country of the Humans, who had always been fighting, knew enough about warfare to fight ten dozen wars. After months of discussing and Manaron's constant askings, she relented gracefully, negotiating protection and the seat as Queen-elect of the Riverlands. She maintained the general ruling while the more overarching laws came from Manaron himself. A teleportation circle was set in the castle, Marhim, directly to Hlee. The peoples of the Riverlands supported her decision and the dissidents of it fizzled out within a year's time. Her golden reign is not any bit tarnished, which she thanks to her councilors and advisers.

Gender Identity

Tyna identifies as a female, but does not subscribe to complete femininity.


Tyna is fairly flirtatious but not very romantic or sexual in manner. She will not take a suitor, but females are her preference.


Studied at the best schools and had the best tutors.

Accomplishments & Achievements

All-time, Ten-times winning Lancer.

Failures & Embarrassments

Once cost the kingdom thousands of platinum on a foolhardy errand to defeat a den of giants. She assembled an army and traversed Ognatum to the Bad Mountains only to find out the information she received was not from a reliable source. She had lost about 5,000 troops on the way there to disease and in-fighting. They reached the top of the mountain only to find it long ago abandoned and the supposed treasure guarded by a lich. She lost about 3,000 more troops to the cold and the lich's powers. Once she defeated the lich, only fifty of her original 8,000 troops survived. The treasure revealed itself to be only illusions created by the lich to lure adventures. The Riverlands is still healing from this blunder, but Tyna's natural charisma and grand shame helped curb the populace from revolting against her.   On the lighter side, she once drunkenly challenged the court giant to a duel of fists. The giant, recognizing her folly, laughed and gave good sport until she began biting and scratching like a panther. He held her by her ankles until the guardsmen rushed to her side and the court wizard-sorcerer, Kero Tallhat, calmed the situation.   The rest of Tyna's folly's and foolhardy decisions are too many to recount, but suffice it to say she has made plenty of blunders, mostly harmless to any except her pride.

Mental Trauma

Tyna has a phobia of mountain tops and peaks, refusing to go to the top of any building or landscape. She never says, but she fears a lich will attack and, no matter her accompaniment, will overpower her.

Intellectual Characteristics

Keen-minded to her detriment, she is quick-witted but slow to speak anymore since the sobering throne fell upon her. She never forgets a face or a grievance.

Morality & Philosophy

She staunchly prescribes to Arvoreen. She makes sure her temples are in good repair, but not at the expense of the other deities.   She grew into a jolly sort of woman in her later years, but a tinge of sadness exists in her deep blue eyes. She believes that Halflings place in this world is in the Riverlands and plans on keeping it that way. She is rather aloof in terms of her own personal philosophy but deep down she strives for perfection in what she does and to not be held down. The compromise between the Riverlands and Evoria was the hardest on her personally, but she knew it was the best for the country and her people.   Just as much as she worships Arvoreen, she worships her people and their needs. She believes the best queen is one that places the needs of the kingdom above her own. She still has selfish moments, and those she keeps from everyone that she can. These moments are in favor of some rather dark dealings, ones that her mother started, in hopes to both find her mother and those who went looking for her, and her father who is still alive by some malignant magic.


She practices dark arts of divination from unseemly sources. If any knew of these dealings she would fear she would be deposed.

Personality Characteristics


Her mother's return, father's restoration, and people's security drive her.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Terrible at chess and boxing.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes clams and buttered biscuits.

Virtues & Personality perks

Quick to act, but restrained when needed.

Vices & Personality flaws

Easily angered, especially about her past and family. Avoidant of topics regarding her family, to the point of censoring those who speak of it.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen-elect, Mistress of Rivers, Lady of Waters.
Year of Birth
2660 48 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born as unto Halfling King and Queen of the Riverlands, she was their only child. The Arvoreen-blessed constellation hung directly above her at her birth, which was seen as a divinely inspired.
Marhimm, Iron Quay's castle
Current Residence
Iron Quay, Riverlands
Dark blue, squinty
Long, curly, blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3 feet
42 pounds
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Bow? Fah! I'll use my lance!" - said to the archers and sorcerers when fighting a flock of chimeras outside the Bad Mountains.   "If you used your lance half as much as your mouth, you wouldn't find yourself on the other end of mine." - said after defeating the old lancing champion after he spoke rudely to her.   "If I spent my time reminiscing of my past I wouldn't see the bright future of my people." - said when asked by Manaron if she fears what happened to her family.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Halfling, Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Avian, Giant, Gnomish, Abyssal, Fiendish.
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
She sort of looks like a mix between the Halfling in the PHB on the Halfling chapter and Eir from Fire Emblem Heroes.


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