Cult of Dydos Organization in Uthilith | World Anvil
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Cult of Dydos

The Cult of Dydos was a small sect of radical Dydosians who were active throughout Hebra Province in Tempora from the mid-15th through early 17th centuries. They believed the word of Dydos to be one of astonishing beauty and took great reverence in his words of slaughter.   Rather than a more traditional form of shedding bloodshed (through massacre), the Cult of Dydos was far more secretive in their endeavors to kill in the name of their god. Many nobles were members of this Cult, and they would regularly kidnap people from across Oakenward to maim and murder in increasingly complicated ways.   The last known member of this Cult - the Dame Myrdith Dolciana - was killed by The Stonebounders in CY 1619.
Religious, Cult
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