Erilre Wynneiros Character in Ustos | World Anvil
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Erilre Wynneiros

The Venerable Lady Erilre Wynneiros (a.k.a. Lady Wynneiros)

The current abbess of The Council of the Black Angel and councilwoman of The Council of Nine, the Lady Wynneiros is a Morildhithil elenmai who has completely devoted her life to Paha, the God of Secrets.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though taller than most other Elves, the Lady Wynneiros is considered average height with a wiry frame and a strong grip.

Apparel & Accessories

She dresses in a more elaborate robe of the Temple of the Black Angel, with a high collar and trailing hem in soft greys and blacks.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hailing from Losvarrdhel, near the Village of Maplerest, the Lady Wynneiros was born to into a relatively wealthy morilion, and was taught the traditional form of the Elven martial art from a young age.   Once she had reached adulthood and declared herself elenmai, she began travelling the continent in search of excitement to sate her wanderlust.   At 213 years old, she came upon the Temple of the Black Angel in Bearmaw, then run by an elderly Halfling. The Lady Wynneiros then joined the temple and The Council of the Black Angel, and has recently taken over the title of Abbess after the death of her mentor.

Gender Identity

The Lady Wynneiros presents herself as elenmai, an elven gender that other races equate with womanhood.


Religious Views

The Lady Wynneiros is completely devoted to Paha, the God of Secrets, and lives her life fully to his tenets.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Abbess of the Council of the Black Angel, councilwoman of the Council of Nine
Year of Birth
7632 YE 319 Years old
Current Residence
Dark brown
Light brown, long and braided back in two tails
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
While her native language is the Morildhithil dialect of Elven, Lady Wynneiros also speaks, reads, and writes fluently in Common and Human.

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