Morildhithil Ethnicity in Ustos | World Anvil
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Inhabitants of dense forest floors and soaring platforms strung through treetops, Morildhithil are often called Forest or Wild Elves when they deign to walk among other races. Descending from the Fae of the Summer Court, they are elegant and perceptive, though often accused of being secretive and paranoid.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Elven names, for the most part, are gender neutral.   For Morildhithil, their first names are simpler than other subraces, with most only being one or two syllables long. They are unused for much of their lives due to the preference for using surnames instead.   Forest Elves, in addition to this custom, are also reluctant to give it out for fear of the name losing its power.   Examples: Kaelva, Dirrod, Maenas, Alrin, Ormar, Ne, Finmar, Altare, Rahal, Tormel, Rasha, Lediel, Duilas, Ieldis, Mal, etc..

Family names

Morildhithil carry their surnames like a badge of honor and those who venture outside the forests they call home are often known solely by it. They are typically earned as a rite of passage into adulthood, and tend to describe the individual in some way. Very rarely will the surnames be transliterated into Common, solely reserved for those who choose to settle and live within civilization.   Examples: Omaxalim (Blackstream), Glynzeiros (Snakeswift), Yllaleth (Mistchaser), Orineiros (Bladebreaker), Liaxina (Brightfeather), Lorsandoral (Paletree), Miraberos (Goldblossom), Leopevaris (Sunrunner), Naeleth (Wolfchaser), Fenmaer (Marshsong), Eilkasar (Summermoon), etc..


Major language groups and dialects

Morildhithil speak a dialect of Elven, though many also speak a bit of Common to communicate with other races.


Beauty Ideals

Morildhithil take after their Summer ancestors with vigor. Their skin ranges from a light tan to a warm, earthen brown, with red and green tones common. Hair color tends toward lighter values with blondes being the most common, though lighter browns and reds are also seen. Eye color ranges from the extremes of pale blue to an almost black green, with light brown the most common.   The ideal body type for the Wild Elves is agile, adept at maneuvering through both dense brambles and thin branches. Copper hair, and most other shades of red, are highly valued as the epitome of beauty, as well as bright green eyes.

Gender Ideals

Elven genders, a mystery to most outsiders, are normally separated into four categories: Thaneva, men; Adantae, those between genders; Mithmai, women; and Kaeldril, genderless. Morildhithil, in addition, have two more categories as well as a shift away from the standard Elven gender roles.   Thaneva: What most Humans would classify as men, Thaneva are considered more emotional than others and are expected to be able to control it, with roughhousing and coarse hobbies looked down upon. Most take up handcrafts and agriculture when it suits them to.   Elendeva: Most accurately described as "not-men", Elendeva are Thaneva who wish to become disciplined warriors instead, and are highly respected for their skill and overcoming their tendencies toward peace and nonviolence.They are seen as a settlement's protectors and are always seeking to improve both themselves and their craft.   Adantae: An adopted term in races that do not naturally have a word for it, Adantae would best be described as "between genders". They are generally responsible for childcare and education, considered the most patient gender, though many Thaneva are involved in these activities as well.   Mithmai: What most Humans would classify as women, Mithmai are considered to be the more intelligent gender, though far more impulsive than Thaneva, and are expected to restrain their tempers and harsh words. They generally take care of activities such as hunting and smithing, and are usually involved in sports when available. Many actively enjoy physical labor and will go out of their way to show off.   Elenmai: Most accurately described as "not-women", Noremai are Mithmai who seek more peace than their counterparts. They are generally considered extremely wise among their peers, and are often listened to without question. Most become sages, or are involved with the community's governmental system.   Kaeldril: Generally considered "genderless", Kaeldril are mostly children ranging in age from 20 to 100, after which they may choose to present themselves as either Mithmae, Elenmai, Thaneva, Elendeva, or Adantae. Rarely, however, they may choose to stay within this category and are treated as such. Kaeldril are expected to learn by trial and error, with only gentle guidance from adults. They can usually get away with ignoring most of the polite Elven customs, depending on how old they are.

Relationship Ideals

There several types of relationships that Morildhithil recognize in both law and society.   Morilion: Generally what other races would call a loveless or political marriage, morilion are arranged by family members for purposes such as ending a feud between families, producing offspring, or as a political move for gaining power or wealth. The head of a family, when they wish to arrange one, will often announce their intent to the other families in the area through a lavish gathering. The involved parties usually have very little choice in the matter, though they may give their input for the head to consider. The ceremony is as grand as the initiating family can afford, and often takes several days to complete.   Both individuals keep their names, once married, and may add the other's first name to their own. Taking lovers on the side is common, as long as no offspring come from the relationship. Children are both expected and desired from morilion, though they only have their first name until they reach adulthood.   Methalion: Generally similar to morilion, methalion are marriages where the participants choose each other instead of the families. They can also serve the same purposes, though that often comes after the individuals declare their intent. Taking lovers while in methalion is rare and looked upon with suspicion, though the act is unpunished by society. Children are expected from this relationship as well.   Shanve: Considered more platonic than romantic by society, shanve are a mixture between an intense friendship and an intimate romantic interest. It's common among younger Elves, mostly from the encouragement to form such bonds as Kaeldril, and adventurers. The latter, however, can often end disastrously if not communicated properly.   Thorncele: Though common within other races and cultures, the relationship between mentor and pupil or master and apprentice is protected by laws and customs throughout Elven society. Apprenticeship, despite only lasting between a year and five years, is often for life, with the pupil considered part of the master's family when they are taken in.
Encompassed species

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Morildhithil (Wood Elf)

Ability Score Increase +2 Dex, +1 Wis
Size Medium
Speed 35ft.

Darkvision: Still accustomed to the perpetual twilight of the Faewild and the darkened floors of the forests, Morildhithil have superior vision in dimly lit conditions and darkness. You can see in dim light within 60ft of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can barely discern color in darkness and see the world in shades of grey.   Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill.   Fae Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic cannot put you to sleep.   Trance: Morildhithil, like most Elves, do not need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. While in meditation, called Ormessear or the Forbearance by the Elves and Trance in Common, you can dream to an extent; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting this way, you gain the same benefit that a Human does from 8 hours of sleep.   Elf Weapon Training: Taught in the art of defense, you have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.   Fleet of Foot: Used to navigating twisting rope bridges and forest floors with no trouble, your base walking speed is 35 feet and have a climbling speed of 30 feet, providing you can find handholds.   Mask of the Wild: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Elven and Common.   Elven is fluid, with melodic pronunciation and subtle grammar. Its literature is rich and varied, and many bards learn it to add Elven ballads to their repertoires.   Common is the universal language of the people, constructed to be simple and informative. There are few works in this language, with many preferring their native languages for artistic endeavors, though books and other writings are often translated into Common for accessibility.


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