Verj Settlement in Urth | World Anvil
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Verj is one of the southernmost inhabited lands.  An island of the human Pulara subrace, it has maintained a stable culture, being quite cold and surrounded by fast cold white cresting currents.  For most people of Krahnis, Verj is the farthest you could go south before being lost in no man's land.  While, geographically both Frijja and Imperia reach further south, the moon of Wruin hangs southeast of Verj, it's broken bits falling into the Sea of tears.  Wruin is important within the Verj culture and lends a great mystique to the island nation.  Within the Common (Kahmonz) language, Verj meant "the edge of the Urth" or the "edge of what lay beyond the known world". The Moon lay beyond this island and "beyond the moon" took on the meaning of the unknown, the inconceivable, and unreachable.
  The mystique of Verj extends to the Pulara race. They live longer than most humans, their great elders passing 100 years. Their culture upholds wisdom and knowledge as the greatest of gifts. However, they are often associated with the dark tales of the Drow as their skin is deep chocolate to black.  Their hair colors are stunning silvers, blondes, golds, and whites. Rarely a Pularan is born with fiery red hair. These are often seen as portents or blessed people. They are associated with the spirit of the volcanos of the island.  
  Krahnis is quite far away, so the image on the main continent need not have any basis. Pulara has a long history of sea travel, establishing sea routes for trade past the Furrayn and Maelstrom Sea and in the Northern Ocean on the other side of the planet. Despite the planet-wide legacy of the colonial empires of Bush and Burk a millennium ago, Pulara traded prior to their rise. It is believed they were possibly the first seafarers of Urth.
  Verj has several very large ports which are very cosmopolitan as ships from around the Urth arrive. Three are at the northern end which faces Shelter Bay, which has waterways protected from the fast southern currents that cut quickly across most of Urth. The southern tip of Verj can experience large amounts of snow and ice, and ice flows past the shore shut down the smaller southern ports during wintry months. The southern tip also experiences greater Ring Shades.  During the colder half of the year, the shadow of the planetary rings moves south from the equator and shades the highest latitudes.  This causes more severe cold weather locally at those latitudes. The southern tip of Verj experiences the shade and will see the coastal water freeze in bad years.
National Territory


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