DEITY: Eskendrell, the Adventurous Character in Urth | World Anvil
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DEITY: Eskendrell, the Adventurous

Domains: Adventures, Danger, Treasure Seekers, Monster Hunters, Wanderlust
Symbols: A black disc with a red oxen box like shape on top t
Beasts: the odd and weird monsters (i.e: Owlbears, Otyugh, Grells, Gelatinous Cube, Intellect Devourer)
Civil & Trade Roles: Wanderers, Adventurers, Dungeoneers, Monster Hunters, Treasure Seekers, and the overly curious t
Colors & Materials: Silver and Black. Onyx.
Adventure awaits the curious.
The dead are still. Keep moving.
  Eskendrell is the patron of adventurers, dungeoneers, treasure seekers, monster hunters, and wandering heroes. Some see her as a god of chaos and disruption, breeding the dangers for adventurers to make their names around. As the goddess of the wanderlust, she is the unscratchable itch that drives people to wander and not settle down. She is blamed as a homewrecker, who entices men away from their families and to their deaths. Pillared pavilions dedicated to her can be found along major roads where people can shelter. Although many tales tell of travelers who are attacked by the creatures lying in wait inside.   She can't help herself but mess with things to make the stories more interesting. She made The Eyes of Eskendrell. These stones collect heroes to release and reclaim them over time. Stories have been written about the Pendant of Champions. This pendant contains an onyx Eye of Eskendrell. Stories tell how this artifact holds many heroes within it, sleeping. They are released and taken back in as Eskendrell sees fit. Eskendrell has collected adventurers from throughout history and they can be released when they are needed. The top of the pendant is platinum with a three-inch round black onyx disc that has every color in prismatic flashes inside. The center of the onyx is one inch thick.  
For DMs: these items are a mechanism so players can pop in and out of a campaign whenever they can attend. They are all tied together because they are all trapped in an Eye. For whoever can't play in a session or needs to leave, their character is suddenly sent back into the Eye. It would also allow people to drop in for a single session with a different character for some variety.


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