DEITY: Baschiun, the Cloaked Knight Character in Urth | World Anvil
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DEITY: Baschiun, the Cloaked Knight

  Domains: Protection, Defense, Walled Cities
Symbols: Black cloak, two maces crossed at the bottom of the cloak's tails
Beasts: Guard Animals (dogs, wargs, etc.)
Civil & Trade Roles: Guards, Watchmen, Militia, Wall and fortification builders
Colors & Materials: Black
  Baschiun is the god of protection against attacks and invasions. If they should be protected is not questioned. Protection of sovereignty, territoriality, and liberties commonly call upon his assistance for protection. He protects from invaders at the walls, invaders into one's home, invaders breaching a sanctuary. It is said, the darker the night, the more likely that Baschiun and his Knights of the Dark Cloak (MiddKnights, Myth Knights) will come. This has caused many a challenger to fight in the light of day, for fear that a night incursion might draw the Knights to intercede. Should his knights arrive, it is believed that the faithful should look away. Tales tell of advancing troops vanishing, invading war cries turned to panicked screams, and then silence in the night. Siege ladders would be left empty on the walls. There are far too few bodies left on the field of battle after Baschiun's forces attack.
  Baschiun protects the individual as well as the city. Despite the added risk of it getting caught or snagged during a quick escape, thieves and cutthroats tend to wear cloaks because of Baschiun. Lore says that wearing a dark cloak will make his knights stay their hand. Although that is superstition. Tales say that sometimes the Cloaked One personally intervenes. He appears as a very tall man with a giant cloak of the darkest night inside. The cloak moves as if alive or being moved by a wind no one can feel. Within the cloak is a night colder than ever imagined.
  Baschiun is a harsh judge and those that fall before his Knights are never seen again and there are no corpses.
  For Baschiun, the wall is symbolic and physical. His "cults" live in walled communities away from others awaiting the destruction of the world.
  Baschiun lives in a sanctuary known as the Midden. This extraplanar location is undetectable, even to other gods. Although a few may know its location or how to enter. No spell can learn its location, gain access to it, nor enter it, not even Wish can break the god's will if he does not want it. For someone to find a way to violate that would provoke a horrific response—as it would be an affront to the sanctity of his home.
  Midden is home to many fallen warrior spirits who died in an act of defense. Within Midden, they appear as many races, clothed in beautiful plate armor of every color, sheen, and design. These are the Midden Knights, or commonly said as MiddKnights. When they leave Midden to serve as protectors elsewhere, they simply step into the nearest flat wall as a special type of portal to another plane. The knights travel the betweenness. The betweenness is the spaces inside inanimate things. That would be the ground, rocks, walls.
  The MiddKnights often attack in the dark when predators like to advance on the weak. When they attack, they are unseen creatures that capture enemies at the wall. They are like cloakers, lurkers, trappers, and mimics. They come out of walls and ground to pull enemies into a void. The captives are never seen.
The original concept was that Baschiun is a sort of king to a family of Outsiders. His knights are a variant of cloakers & trappers. The knights become these cloakers/trappers when they enter the real world (taking the form of an Outsider/Aberration creature along the wall or ground they step from the betweenness from) They would absorb people into the darkness of their cloak-like bodies. This could be a shunt to the ethereal ghost plane. They could then release them there to feed later, like a squirrel storing nuts. They fly through the ethereal like a school of manta rays, circling while some feed. It could also be a slip into the ShadowFell, which might be more interesting. They would bamf away in swirls of darkness. Left on their own in the shadowfell, their victims would have little way back and there are many predators there. They aren't dead, but in the land of many undead and creatures of gloom and despair, they would be like a beacon drawing attention.

by Royal Frazier



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