Urbûn Battle of Qurthi
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Battle of Qurthi

Military action


The Battle of Qurthi was a naval engagement on 8 Summertide 9 AC during the Thrakos War (9 AC - ). It occurred at Qurthi where Zragar Maccal 's fleet managed to destroy more than 22 large Fiongian ships   The Battle of Qurthi was a naval battle which took place during the Fiongian invasions of Duryad. Maccal's fleet destroyed an anchored Fiongian transport fleet. It was the first naval battle of the Thrakiot War and the first victory of Admiral Zragar Maccal against the Fiongian naval fleet of Laird Navarch of Sea and War Bhaltair Guaire . A day later, after destroying an additional 18 Fiongian transports in nearby waters, Zragar Maccal returned to his home port after receiving news of the fall of Kirfaan. The Battle of Qurthi caused anxiety and nervousness among the Fiongians, because afterward Maccal began to deploy his navy to attack Fiongian supply and carrier vessels.

When the Duryadi fleet approached Qurthi, they found 400 Fiongian soldiers, fortifying their position on a hill overlooking the port. There were 22 large Fiongian ships among other vessels anchored in the harbor. Hoping to draw the Fiongian into open waters, he turned his ships around and withdrew. The Fiongian took the bait and more than half of them on shore rushed to give chase. Once in the water, the Fiongian engaged the Duryadi fleet under the command of Fleet admiral Zragar Maccal in his Darastrixtestudi driik, or "dragonturtle ship". The Fiongian under Bhaltair Guaire managed to hook a Duryadi warship and board her, but they were beaten back by counter fire. At that point the Fiongian who remained on shore started loosing arrows at the Duryadi. Zragar maccaldirected his ships to shore and began bombarding the enemy position until they withdrew, however he himself was struck in the left shoulder by an arrow. The wound was not fatal and he survived the battle.   All 22 large Fiongian ships were destroyed