Urban arcana Hilberger Corporation Dinosaurs

Hilberger Corporation Dinosaurs

Military action

Monday. May 31, 2146

The Hilberger Corporation's military experiment was shut down.

There has been a series of killings that appear to have been viscous animal attacks. Team 8 is sent out to investigate the fourth of these killings. They discover that Dr. Arthur Fulbert, a brilliant researcher, has been working for several months on a government grant to develop living weapons for the Hilberger Technologies military. He successfully cloned several deinonychus dinosaurs from fossilized DNA. They escaped his lab and loped off into the city, where they set up a lair in a nearby sewer and began hunting for food. When Team 8 went hunting for the deinonychus dinosaurs they found and rescued Goblins that were hiding in the sewers. After killing the deinonychus dinosaurs the Goblins where brought back to Department 7 Headquarters and put in the care of the Toothbreaker brothers.

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