Clan Elder Rank/Title in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

Clan Elder


Any Orc that lives to be 40 years or older is granted the rank of Clan Elder.


The Clan Chief, The Wise One and The War Master cannot become Clan Elders.


The Clan Elders serve the jury for the clan, deciding upon all cases brought before the clan. They decide when a clan law is broken and what punishment the orc will receive. Their judgement is final, there is no appeal process. Even the Clan Chief cannot over rule their decisions. If there is an even number of Clan Elders and they cannot resolve the issue (their vote is a tie) then it is the duty of the Wise One to resolve the matter.


This rank is in addition to what ever other responsibilities that the orc has within the clan. They are still expected to work and contribute as they did before reaching this age.


The Clan Elders are highly respected and given a great degree of social deference.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

They can be dismissed only by the ruling of the Clan Elders. If their fitness or capability to function within the role comes into question then the case is brought before the other Clan Elders for judgement.    Death is the only other manner in which they leave this role.


The first Wise One appointed Gnoth an Elder before he died and declared that it was his age that granted him the wisdom to be a clan leader.

Cultural Significance

This rank within the Ember Tusk clan has made the clan a gerontocracy which has never been the case in an orc clan before this one. Prior to the orcs coming to the Mundane world, they did not have members of their clans that lived beyond 40 years. Getting old often meant being less effective in battle and thus the older warriors were often looked down upon.


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