29. Facing the Dragon in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

29. Facing the Dragon

Arvind (Young Red Dragon)   After the Flame Jet trap is either disarmed or set off, the door to this room crumbles to sand and allows the party a clear view inside the room.
The door crumbles away and reveals the room behind it. Heat and light rush out at you. In front of the door there is a large pool of fire and a large red dragon basks in the flames. Four smaller pots of fire add to the near unbearable heat. Behind the dragon, on a stone platform sits another chest. The dragon roars and pulls at a metal collar on its neck, but makes no overt move towards you.
The dragon is the only obstacle in this room. The room's ceiling is 100 feet high and the dragon will use its flight to its advantage. However, the dragon is working with the Fey and he will bargain with the party if they attempt to do so. If they agree to remove his collar he will allow them to take the treasure. The collar can be removed simply by a humanoid touching it. If they bypass the dragon in this manner, they should be given credit for defeating the dragon.
  • XP Earned if they defeat the dragon: 5900

The Treasure

The only thing in the chest is a Necklace of Fireballs.   If they defeated the dragon, they will receive one point with the Eladrin. Keep track of the party's score as they go along. At the completion of each challenge, their score will be announced by the ringing of a bell for each point they have earned.
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Young Dragon Token


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