11. The Keys in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

11. The Keys

Touching the door to this room reduces the stone door to sand. This leads into a circular room with a circular table at the center of the room. On top of the table there are 3 keys; one gold, one silver and one copper. There is a key hole in the northern wall. Beneath the keyhole, there is writing on the wall.
The writing on the wall reads:
One key and one alone can force this door to open. Choose incorrectly and what lies beyond shall never see the light of day. Three clues are given, but only one is true. Use wisdom to guide your hand, lest your dreams be dashed by your own folly. Clue 1: The gold key opens the door. Clue 2: The silver key does not open the door. Clue 3: The gold key does not open the door.
The silver key opens the door.   Putting the correct key into the key hole causes a door to manifest in the wall. It is about the size of a medicine cabinet and if the party opens it, they will find a small chest behind it.   If the wrong key is used then the keys and the key hole turn to sand and crumble away.
Written on the top of the chest is "select a single item as your reward." There are 3 daggers inside the chest.
The chest contains: Hellfire Weapon, Dagger of Warning and Dagger +1   There is nothing stopping the party from taking all 3 items. However, if they select and take only one as instructed, they will receive one point with the Eladrin. Keep track of the party's score as they go along. At the completion of each challenge, their score will be announced by the ringing of a bell for each point they have earned.
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