The Empire of Sou'elia Organization in Ura | World Anvil
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The Empire of Sou'elia

The Empire of Sou'elia is a decentralised bureaucratic state. It occupies the eponymous Sou'elian desert, as well as the Galbasi desert and eastern Konfuri plain. Its population is comprised almost entirely of High Elves, with roughly five percent of the population being non-Elven slaves. Its population is the highest of any state in Dukhala, at around 25 million, most of whom are concentrated around the Nol-Zeebim River.


The Sou'elian Empire is largely decentralised, with the imperial government having little sway outside of Casimda, and to some extent Zeebda. Guhada, Magarda, and Zeebda have historically been relatively loyal to the Casimdan government, although abolitionists have sometimes operated out of Guhada.   Galbed is almost entirely independent from the rest of the Empire, with only nominal loyalty to the Empire and a small annual tribute paid to the capital. The city has attempted to gain full independence from Casimda several times in the past, but has been unsuccessful each time.   Konfur is the second most powerful city within the empire, and its leadership have sometimes contested Casimdan rule over the empire. following the failed invasion of Rudreland in 921YD, the city's government has once again been subtly trying to wrest influence over the other cities away from the capital.


Sou'elian culture is largely influenced by their harsh environment, their political isolation, and their near-ubiquitous worship of the Shrouded Ones, and Sou'elians are often described by outsiders as arrogant, cynical, and shrewd. They are also known for their belief in utilitarianism, and the advancement of arcane knowledge at any cost.


Nearly the entire free population of Sou'elia, including the small numbers of non-Elf freemen, worship various Shrouded Ones. Generally the populace has selected which Shrouded Ones to follow on their own, or based on local or family traditions. However, following the resurgence of Humanity and Dwarvenkind in the north of Dukhala in the late 9th Century YD, the Casimdan government has been attempting to institute more a more formalised variant of the traditional religion. Worship of certain Shrouded Ones, such as Lamki and Ilune, has been officially banned, and the government has been encouraging the popularity of Kujestar, Varevum, Zeilik, Betzal, and Barzats. This new pantheon has seen little success outside of Casimda, however, and many continue to worship banned Shrouded Ones openly in some cities.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations


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