True Heirs of Pulvis Organization in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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True Heirs of Pulvis

After centuries of apparent resignation to their lot, the Earth Elementors of Pulvis have mobilised a revolutionary coalition which has rapidly gained ground against their complacent Draconic overlords.   This revolution is centered around The Silent Plains, although revolutionary sentiment can be found all over Pulvis.  

Manifesto and Leadership

The True Heirs have a simple manifesto: they demand to be granted independent dominion over Diaspore, Agate, and Larimar Chasms - the three chasms on Pulvis with the highest population of Earth Elementors, and also the three richest in natural resources. They further demand the emancipation of all slaves on Pulvis, and their repatriation within the newly created nation. They are currently led by a partnership between Eodan O-Kinneithe, a member of the Liberty Society, and Riain Mor-Naois, a high priest of the First Children of Pulvis. The Agate Militia, led by the brilliant young Daire Ui-Rinn, have taken control of most of the Agate Chasm and made inroads into Larimar as well, although progress has slowed as the Dragons have begun to mobilise.  

The Liberty Society

Approximately one half of one percent of the Elementor population of Pulvis had citizenship prior to the True Heirs' rising. These so-called Free Elementors generally support their Draconic overlords; those who do not formed the Liberty Society, and have campaigned for better treatment of their enslaved brethren for the past eighty years, slowly winning small concessions. Although they are resented by many others among the True Heirs, their offworld connections have been vital to the early success of the rising. Eodan O-Kinneithe is a well-connected merchant who has sunk most of his personal fortune into arming the Elementors, and whose network of agents reaches far into the Astral Realms.  

First Children of Pulvis

The Dragons of Pulvis have used the Cult of the Pulvis as a means of control - enforcing worship and appointing priests who preached obedience to the established order. What they did not account for was the ability of certain Elementors to commune directly with Pulvis. For centuries, a parallel, underground religious movement, the First Children of Pulvis, has taught that Pulvis welcomes and cares for Earth Elementors above all, and that all others are intruders. Usually disparate, and often persecuted, they have united in recent years under the aegis of the self-appointed high priest, Riain Mor-Naois, whose combination of charismatic preaching and efficient leadership enabled the rising to grow rapidly in numbers but keep contained until the time was right.  

The Agate Militia

The worlds of the Maelstrom are usually peaceful - not least, due to the difficulty of transporting a significant military force between them. However, occasionally conflicts arise. Twenty years ago, forces from the Circle Crown Haven invaded Pulvis, and an army of Elementor slaves was sent to fend them off. One young Elementor, Daire Ui-Rinn, showed a natural gift for warfare, receiving a series of battlefield promotions. Ultimately, she led the right flank of the Pulvis forces during the final conflict, securing victory. Once peace had been agreed, the slaves were returned to the mines, Daire included. That former slave army, under her leadership, has formed the core of the newly-minted Agate Militia, and so far has outmanoeuvred and out-fought their former masters at every turn.

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