The Fearless Apostle - Deceased Character in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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The Fearless Apostle - Deceased

Sphere: Divine, PC
  The worshippers of Rhedius, the Slain Blade are rare in Ur these days - an honourable death in battle appeals less to Ur's citizens than a long, prosperous life. The small cadre of priests in the House of the Slain Blade mostly minister to travellers, passing through Ur, exchanging martial techniques and mutual violence.
  The Divine Servant of Rhedius is an exception. They departed the City of Rhedius for Ur eight years ago, driven by divine inspiration or madness. The city frustrates them deeply, and whatever they are seeking, they have not found it yet. But they are well-known to be dangerous beyond comprehending, with the blood of Rhedius flowing in their veins (however diluted). The Orders subtly surveil them, hoping for an advance warning if they eventually find their target.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Aligned Organization

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