Negation Crystal Material in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Negation Crystal

Sphere: Envoy   Negation Crystal can be found near the surface of Nebula and can be burnt to enhance magical effects, particuarly in Alchemy.   The Forged can consume crystals as a powerful and addictive drug.  


There are no laws that regulate importing/storaging/using Negation Crystals, but Houses Ignis, Lydia and Withers have used existing laws around posession of dangerous weapons and reckless behaviour to point the Dogma at their rivals, "regulating" the trade in the process.   It does mean the houses need to remain spotless enough that their own lawyers can keep their operations running, but it is now accepted as de factor law that only the High Masks have the resources to safely import crystals.   The few indipendant importers of crystal pay the houses for a liscence to trade, which is in practice a promise not to take them to court over safety concerns.

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