Master Ciara Caito Character in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Master Ciara Caito

A Professor at the College of the Realms and member of the Maxim Club.   Ciara is a Void Elementor teaching and studying at the Department of Normative Jurisprudence, as well as a judge. She is known for using stories about Skit Longshot to teach lessons about how his actions endangered the very fabric of justice and society. A counterpoint, especially, to the stories told by Lofty Rhymes.   She is a very logical person, focused on justice. Art is fine to tell stories and stories are fine to teach lessons on morality and justice, but anything else is superfluous and too flowery in her opinion.   After the unrest of 560, her career began to focus more on her duties as a judge than on her professorial career.   She holds law and justice above everything else and holds the belief that anyone breaking the rules is endangering the very fabric of society. She is not blind to any faults in the current system, though, but she believes changes have to be made through the right processes, not through revolutions, let alone violent ones.   She prefers to let people do penitence rather than downright punish them, if and whenever the law allows for such flexibility. She believes people can change for the better and if she sees a chance in them, she will give it to them.   However, you'd better not betray her trust…
Early 30s
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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